Chaotic Night

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I didn't understand what was going on around me at that moment, although I was not able to see her face, I could feel the warmth of her hands, while her finger was touching my palm, it was the first time I was holding a girls hand or you may say she was the one holding my hands.

We reached the center of the hall and she finally stopped running, she turned around to face me, and at that instant, we were facing each other.

My eyes widened as I saw her, I was looking right into her eyes, just like that day but the only difference today was there were no spectacles in between to interrupt me from gazing at her brown eyes, her eyes had some sort of drug, the more I saw it the deeper I sunk in it. 

Her face was shining brightly. I felt like it was not her but the moon that I'm staring at. With round shaped silver earrings on her ears and light pink lipstick on her lips 

Her perfectly sized Small yet cute nose was the cherry on top.

I gulped and suddenly I was brought back again to reality with the loud music going on around along with the disco lights and 

People dancing. 

I was looking around and I believed that I was just dreaming about what happened right now until she pinched me in the back of my hand and I looked towards her.

"Despite your girlfriend being here, you're checking out other girls?" She said, in jealousy.

As I went to say her she stopped me and wouldn't let me say anything,

She grabbed my hands and kept them on her waist as If she was guiding me on what to do, she kept both of her hands on around my neck and crossed it. She started to move her hips and feet slightly grooving to the song.

I had no choice but to follow her. I noticed her for a moment to grasp what she was doing and after noticing her I started to move according to her. A few times, I did it incorrectly going to the opposite side of her but I started to get it slowly. Her feet moved to the left. I too moved it to the left, and in no time we were in sync. It was like we were communicating without even saying a word.

My eyes were glued to just observing her face and It was a bit later that I realized I hadn't seen her outfit. I noticed her outfit, it was a black one-piece with full-sleeved arms and black heels. It made me feel like she was a big Hollywood actress.

I was surprised that she was easily dancing despite wearing heels, while I was not even average with wearing proper shoes.

We were having fun dancing, I felt like it was the first time coming to college wasn't a burden. I was envious of her boyfriend.

"Whoever must be her boyfriend, would be so lucky to have her." I thought to myself.

She seemed tired but there was no way she was gonna stop today. There was sweat on her head starting to drip down.

Without thinking, I Instantly took my hand away from her waist and put my hand on her forehead, and rubbed off her sweat from my hands. As I rubbed the sweat off her head, I could feel that her body was warm. I got tense and I instantly told her to stop. She wasn't able to hear me so I leaned toward her and said it into her ears.


I grabbed her hand and walked her to the side. I got her a bottle of water, she said she was fine but I still insisted that she sit on the chair and have water. 

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Since when did you start caring for me so much? And what's up with your voice I told you not to have anything cold" she replied.

I was surprised that she was still not able to recognize that I'm not her boyfriend. I felt she was pranking me, but I went on ahead to tell her the truth. 

"Hey listen I'm not your boy-" 

"Such! I don't wanna hear anything, just tell me what time it is" She said 

Meanwhile, the DJ announced on the mic.

"It's 11:00 PM right now, the last 30 mins left so get yourself out here and enjoy." He said loudly.

After hearing this she got up and grabbed my hand saying.

"Come on let's go, I want to show you something." 

I just followed her since It was the only thing I could do at that moment. We reached and were standing against the window, I looked around and there was nothing that was standing out in any way possible. I wondered to myself 

"Why are we here? What is there to be shown here?."

We were a bit away from the hall but it was still dark, though the noise wasn't as loud as it was inside the hall, we were able to hear each other. I had no idea what was still going on until she said she forgot her spectacles so she isn't able to see clearly and asked me the time.

"It's 11:10, sorry 11:11, now," I said. 

She held my hands and told me to look outside at the moon. She went on to say.

"They Say that if you wish something at 11:11 your wish comes true, So I wish that You and I are forever."

I looked at her and my brain stopped working. I wanted to reply to her but I was so engrossed in trying to process what was just happening. My cheeks turned red as she came closer to me with her soft hands on my face and her lips reaching out for my lips, trying to kiss me. 

We made eye contact and I could listen to my heartbeats. I thought that if she moved another inch toward me I'd be on the floor dead. Luckily a group of girls came while hitting all of their flashlights on my face which made me take my face away from her.

They weren't just any group of girls, they were her friends. 

"Oh my god, here you are Sarah we've been finding you for so long. You forgot your spectacles with us" her friends said.

They looked at me weirdly and asked her.

"Who is this, you're with ?" They asked.

"Guys Can't you all see it's my boyfriend" she replied.

Her friends went in shock and ran toward her which made me flinch a bit. They gave her spectacles back to her. She put the glasses on and looked at me.

"Who are you?" she asked surprisingly.

I took a breath of relief that I could finally clear out the misunderstanding, but I was too late. The lights got switched on and it wasn't dark anymore, but my whole world was about to go dark when I saw a guy's shadow standing in the corridor.

 I couldn't see him but I was sure he was looking in my direction or more like glaring in my direction.

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