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I was deep in sleep until mom came home at 7:00 Pm. She came home and saw that I'm still sleeping, she tried to wake me up a few times by calling out my name, but I wasn't a light sleeper, and she got angry with me, so she came closer to me on the bed where I was sleeping and She grabbed my nose roughly which made me suffocate and open my eyes. I turned red and tried to inhale some fresh air.

I looked up and saw mom's face and she was angry. I instantly got up from my bed and asked her what happened.

"You sleep all you want, but you're not studying, I want you to study from now on," she said.

"I will be studying mom from tomorrow," I replied.

She agreed and asked me why I was late. I told her that I was hanging out with some friends I made today. She seemed happy that I finally made friends, and she told me.

"Have fun with your friends, but don't forget to study at the same time." 

I nodded my head as a Yes in reply. She went on to make dinner while I sat in my room and checked my phone. I was just scrolling until I saw a message on my WhatsApp from an unknown number.

It stated 

"Hey! we need to talk." 

I was startled and my eyes were looking at the phone in fear. I saw what time the message was sent. It was 4:30, so I figured out that I got this message when I was sleeping. I started wondering who this mysterious person was and after a while, I remembered that I exchanged numbers with the four of them today. I was relieved but I was still scared of all the people sending me a text like this would be Sarah, I speculated. 

I thought she texted me to clear up the misunderstanding we had during our freshers or she saw me glaring at her today. I was too worried and couldn't bring myself to reply to the text, but it would've been rude If I didn't reply to it. I was sure that it might be Sarah but I didn't want to take risks, so I went on and asked 

"Hey! Who are you?"

After replying to the text I immediately stopped using my phone and sat down in the corner, waiting for Sarah to reply. After five minutes the notification of my phone rang and I instantly opened my phone to see the reply. 

My eyes couldn't believe what I saw, I rubbed my eyes and saw it again. It was the same. The message said.

"Hi-ya, it's me, Kunal"

Out of seven billion people on Earth, I never even thought that Kunal would message me out of the blue. I wasn't afraid of Kunal, but after what he did to me I wouldn't trust him so easily. He could tell all the stories he could but that push from him during freshers wasn't just because I was in the way, more like a warning to me on what might happen if I tried getting closer to Sarah. Still, I gave him the benefit of doubt, since he was drunk that night, and decided to give him a chance since I was not in the clear either.

"Hey! What's up?" I replied 

I remembered taking numbers of all of them so I wondered why the names weren't showing up, I found out that I hadn't saved any of the contacts.

"Are you Interested in any sports?." Kunal asked.

Kunal was Our class Sports in charge so it was Logical he would ask me that. In school, I did play sports and I was very fond of cricket and football, but the thing I loved the most was athletics to be more precise running. I was a huge fan of Usain Bolt growing up. I won some medals in my school but unluckily I wasn't able to go up against other schools. 

"Yeah, I love Running," I replied. 

"That's awesome! I thought you might be into running since you had that height and your calves looked strong." Kunal said.

I had no idea that our college had running as a sport, otherwise, I would've taken part in it. I used to go for a jog every day at night but since college started and I got hit in the head I was trying to avoid it for a while since it gave me headaches. I said thanks to Kunal for complimenting me, he went on to say.

"Day after tomorrow the coach is going to select the team for the relay, you're gonna come?" 

I read it and I started jumping. It was a happy moment for me, it was an opportunity for me to do what I love. I instantly agreed with Kunal and told him that I'd be there. Even Kunal was into running, looking at his physique it did make sense but I thought he must be more into football. 

I went into the living room and shared this with my mom and brother. They were happy to know that I'm doing what I love and wished me luck. 

I couldn't sleep the whole night wondering about it. The next morning, I went to college as always but this time it was different. I made some friends. 

When I reached college I was going to the lectures as usual but I found them in the canteen, I glanced towards them from afar and started heading towards them.

"Aren't you guys coming to the lecture?" I asked.

They stared down at me for a moment, I thought something was wrong with my outfit so I started looking. They laughed and said,

"We came in early so we were just chilling in the canteen." 

They all stood up and we started going toward the class. While we were walking towards the class Kunal was in front with Anuja and Simran, with me and Sarah behind, She called me and said softly.

"Hey! I need to talk to you alone" 

I nodded immediately looking at her since I could tell from her face that she wanted to talk about the freshers. 

We were interrupted by Kunal when he came in between us with our arms around our shoulders.

"You ready for tomorrow?" he asked 

"Sure as hell I am" I replied.

After college Kunal told me he was going for a jog in the evening and asked me if I could join him. I agreed.

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