im tired prt 2

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Nick's POV

shoot, i'd be coming home later than usual, i just hope charlie isnt even more mad at me

i sigh as i continue on with my paper work

-time skip-

i had finally got home, i opened the door and called out to charlie "honey, i'm home!" i pause for a second "huh, nothing.." i start wondering where he is because he always greets me when i get home "maybe you're in the kitchen." i say to myself and walk over to check the kitchen

"love?" i call out, i look around as i finally realize the plate on the table "did he really set out a plate for me again?" i had a tint of disappointment in my voice and sadness in my eyes

i plop down, and sigh, loosening my tie. i scan the room as a black little box catches my eye

"hm" i hum as i approach it. i examine it, taking off the letter stuck to it

             "to my darling husband

                                   i know today isnt officially our anniversary, i wanted to do something special for someone as special as you... 

                                          i love you, nick. i look forward to whatever happens tommorow

                                                                                    *the date before today* 

                                                                                     love; charlie."

he read as tears start flowing down his cheeks.. "our anniversary.."

he begins to panic "today's our anniversary" he then rushes upstairs, hurriedly knocking on their shared bedroom "love, love please, im sorry, i didnt mean to forget what today was, please let me in" he begs. 

his breath hitches as he hears the bedroom door unlock, seeing charlie, charlies eyes were blood-shot red ""

the scene infront of him was heart breaking "love im so sorry" he begged

"you forgot" charlie says "i did not mean to forget, love. i promise" he reassured

"please, please smile for me.." he said kissing charlie's cheek

charlie then slowly releases a faint smile. though it wasnt a lot nick was contented

"i love you, char.." he says kissing him "i love you more" charlie says pulling away from him

nick following charlie, as charlie got settled on the bed, patting a spot for nick beside him

nick crawled beside him as charlie snuggled into nicks chest, a few minutes of silence as they both slowly drift off sleeping, peacefully

nick and Charlie <3Where stories live. Discover now