we were kids!

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Charlie's POV

I was panicking, pacing back and forth

Breathing rather deeply
Nick was sitting on a chair behind me

"Relax, surely that friend of yours will be fine"

Have I told you what happened? No I don't think I have

So, me and my friends were playing, Nick was there too, we were playing tag, I mean we're kids what do you expect

And all a sudden my friend feel on his arm and started screaming


"tag! You're it! " I screamed tagging my friend

"Charliee! Haha! I'm gonna get youu! " my friend screamed, laughing as I ran away

I was running trying to find a hiding spot to that he can't catch me, I was hiding behind a plant box, snickering, not knowing what was going on behind the plant box

Suddenly I stopped smiling, I heard some yelling, and screaming,

What was going on?

I stood up, Nick looked absolutely terrified, my other friends were also really scared.

I ran up to them "what happened??! " I asked really panicked

"Nick what happened?? " I asked him

He shook his head and shrugged, he opened his mouth to speak, but then my friend that feel said something "my arm!! My arm!! "

I ran over to him, I helped him sit up, I turned around to asked Nick to get some teachers

What? Where was he??

I looked around a bit more, and saw him running away from the seen

"I swear to god-"

I ran to chase him "Nick!! "

He looked back at me, but kept running

That's it.

I ran a little faster and jumped on him

I tackled him to the ground
I was so mad!

"What's your problem man?!?! " I screamed really furious

"What's my problem?!?" He repeated
"I might get in trouble! "

I scoffed at his stupid excuse, I mean I get he's scared but I won't leave my friends just because I'm scared to get in trouble!

I got off of him "get up you coward" I out my hand out as he takes it pulling himself up

I grab his hand, well more of grio his hand, I didn't want him running off again

I came back to a teacher helping my friend get up as my other friends comforted my friend

I turned and looked back at Nick, I swear I wanted to punch him right here right now.

"He could've got really hurt! If you didn't run away we could've helped him sooner! "

He looked at me, eyebrows furrowed

"Don't give me that look Nick"
I said

"If it weren't for your fear of getting in trouble, we could've helped! "

He looked at me and let out a Huff

"You didn't have to chase after me you know"
I looked at him with confusion
"What? " I asked, the heck did he mean?
"You could've stayed with him and the others, you didn't have to chase after me"

I looked at him, he was right, I could've stayed
But I didn't I ran after him, but why?

"Tell me, Charlie. Why'd you chase after me? "

I look at him "well.. Uhm.. I" I sighed, "I don't.. I don't know"

I looked up at him, his face had a big fat smirk
I swear if he smirks like that again I will smack it off, with a kiss- just KIDDING

"See you tomorrow, Charlie" he said, was he skipping the rest of afternoons class? I looked up to ask him

But when I did he was gone, well not completely gone I could see him still

He looked back at me and I swear I think I saw him wink

I turned my back towards him and faced my other friends

I smiled at them, and decided to run after Nick, again

I caught nick, how far did he get by just walking?? Seriously

I was breathing in and out, out of breath I said

"Can... You maybe... Come with me... To.. The.. Nurses office.. And... Wait for my.... Ugh.. Friend..? " I asked, gosh how far have I been running

He chuckled at me, rude..

"Of course, here" he said handing me some water, okay not rude

I grabbed the water and chugged it down a little too fast

"Woah woah slow down there" he said

I looked up at him, gave him a 'don't try me' look

He chuckled again, and he walked him me to the nurses office and Waited with me

~end of flashback~

"He'll be fine" said the nurse, thank god

"Okay thank you miss" I said

I was about to tell Nick we can go now
But I found him sleeping in his seat

How adorable- NO

I just stared at him for a few minutes and jumped a bit when he said "I know I'm beautiful, okay?" He said opening his eyes

Damn.. Well he is rather beautiful but I'm not saying I like him, I'm just agreeing with him, but he is also very attractive, I only see him as a friend tho, but maybe not as a friend? Oh please Charlie you're not gay, maybe I am tho? Nah I can't be

I stopped with the crazy thoughts

Nick's just a friend

I think


Nick laughed as I told him the story "YOU WERE THINKING THAT STUFF?? " he laughed even harder

"Hey!! " don't judge me Nick, do not

He then grabbed my waist pulling me in for a long lovely kiss

I pulled away and smiled at him

I mean we were kids, he didn't know what love was at that time

" just a friend " that reminds me of something
Oh! I forgot his name, I think it was like Adrien agrest or something like that right?

Okay anyway good night/morning I will be going to sleep since here in the Philippines it is currently 2:56 :)

I also got the idea from someone, I forgot the user but credits to whoever had the idea first!!

nick and Charlie <3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora