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Nick's POV

Me and Charlie were laughing eating breakfast together since i slept over at his house

We were having some toast with eggs and a hot chocolate drink

We'd usually go to school riding our bikes, but i just got my driving licence yesterday, so i don't see the need to use our bikes

Charlie liked the idea of just using my car, though he thought it was more romantic than driving in a car

I said "char, I'd be quicker, il let you stick your head out if you want" giving him a small yet big smile

He smiled,  hm, i bet my smile got him to agree with it 

We both got in the car and headed to school, and on the way there, well, i mean he's Charlie he seems like the one to stick his head out in a car drive

He was smiling and giggling the whole way

In the middle of the drive, he opened his mouth for, i don't know what reason, and he said he felt something in his mouth and he found a fly

After that he kinda just opened the window putting his hand out

We got to school smiling and holding each other's hand

We walk in class and sit in our seats

We were chatting waiting for our teacher.

As my teacher walked in, the room fell silent, as he announced there was going to be a program and that we were going to be sorted into groups

We were split in 4 groups

The first program was a thanks giving program

The second was a teachers day program

The third was a green planting program

And the fourth was an SPG program
Also known as "school pupil government"

I was thanking the gods for putting me in the same group as Charlie, i can't imagine the thought of having to compete with him

Our teacher explained what each program had to do, and that we needed to have parts ( like opening remarks, prayer etc etc)

Charlie got the opening remarks, and i got the closing, he didn't want the opening remarks and that maybe he should just stand there and help with some props

We all know he gets nervous when on stage, negative things always happen

Like he has a melt down or gives up and runs out

He didn't really have a choice and practically begged me if we could switch parts

I would allow it if out teacher told us that changing parts will get you kicked out of the program

I didn't want that for Charlie and me

I can't think of shit rn, I'll make a part two

nick and Charlie <3Where stories live. Discover now