ice skating

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Charlie's POV

So I've never actually learned how to ice skate and to be honest i don't really wanna

But Nick texted me today and he said he learned how to ice skate and he wanted to teach me, he seemed happy abt learning how to skate so why not

It won't hurt to learn it

Nick's POV

I told Charlie we'd meet up at this new ice skating place
I tho I'd be fun to go there since Charlie doesn't know how to skate yet, and this weekend I've been taking skating lessons

~time skip cz why not~

Nick's POV

"Nick! " i heard someone scream from behind me

I turn around to look and see Charlie, he was waving like an idiot, i had flowers in my hands

"Charlie! Hi! " seriously nick? That's all you're gonna say? He's your boyfriend for God's sake!

"Hi! I missed you" awh, and all i said was hi, idiot

"I missed you more charliee" i said smiling and giving him a hug

~fast forward~

So we were on the ice rink now and Charlie keeps falling on his big juicy butt

"Nick?.. " he said as he squeezed my arm while his legs were literally jelly

"You'll be fine Charlie, just hold tight" i said chuckling at his scared self

Pt2 ig

nick and Charlie <3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora