ive skating pt2

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Charlie's POV

I'm tired, i kept on falling on my ass, and Nick is over here laughing everytime i fall down and he makes these cheeky pick up lines like "be careful you already fell for me hard enough"

After a few minutes, i finally got it together and i was skating around without falling or bumping the walls of the rink

~fast forward~

After a few more minutes, me and nick got tired from skating and decided to go get something to eat, we were both thinking of fries and some drinks

And as we were getting the food he got a fry from the tray and fed it to me and be kept feeding me fries until my mouth was so full i couldn't even talk anymore

~fast forward~

After eating we started just sitting there and looking at the people skating and this young looking girl decided to jump off the ice and on to the floor which wasn't a good idea

Because after she jumped she fell down and on to her butt like how i used to while tryna learn how to skate

"She looks like you while you were falling on your butt" nick said, no shit Sherlock.

"For real? I didn't notice" i said in a sarcastic voice while giving him a side eye

~fast forward, again~

After a few hours of sitting there and laughing at the kids that fell backwards, it was getting pretty late so we thought of going home

Nick walked me home and wouldn't leave until he saw me go inside

"Go inside first" nick said waving his hand towards the door of my house

"No I'll just wait for you to leave" i said smiling

"Why, you have somewhere else to go to? " he asked

"Hm, nope" i said plucking a flower from the ground
And giving it to him

"I love the flower char, but seriously, go inside" he said giving me a peck on the forehead

"Hayst, fine fine I'll go" i said kissing him on the cheek, and turning around to go inside

As i got inside i started rubbing my butt "it still hurts damn"

Bye you guys imma sleep now, goodnight/good morning

nick and Charlie <3Where stories live. Discover now