dunno but hey im back :>

149 7 2

(Dont mind the change of how i used to do it)


I was absolutely exhausted..

My head was killing me and my whole body was just not working

I was already in a bad mood when charlie suddenly jumped on me as soon as i walk through the door

"Nick! Hey you're home! I've missed you, how are you? Was work okay-?" I cut him off, i didnt want to but he was making my head hurt even more.

"Charlie, please I'm really tired" i tried to explain "oh.. that's fine, i made dinner, wanna eat?" He offered kindly with this warm soft smile on his face

"No thanks.. i just wanna sleep right now." I said. I hoped he'd understand

"Oh- well.. do you atleast have something to say?" He said and- what? What am i meant to say?

"I love you" i said not knowing what was so important that i had to greet him

"Oh.." he said, he looked disappointed, but i thought nothing of it and went upstairs


Did he seriously forget our anniversary?? We've been together for 7 years how could he possibly forget?!

I turned to look at the food i prepared for him and sighed

"Such a waste.."

*the next morning*


I expected charlie to still be asleep beside me, i reached out for him but felt the bed empty

"Char-?" I called out before opening my eyes to see i was alone in our shared bed room

*time skip*

As i went downstairs i instantly smelled eggs and bacon- eggs and bacon?

Charlie would only cook eggs and bacon on special occasions, like my birthday or something like that

"Hey love" i said greeting him a warm morning

Though i only got a hum as a response..

"Uhem, what's that?" I asked tryna bring the mood back up

"Breakfast." He replied and i could feel the coldness in his voice

"Oh" i said before sitting down as he set up a plate for me

"Woah- you wont eat with me?" I asked as i remembered the times where we ate together

"Already ate" he replied in a cold way..

I wanted to speak but then my alarm went off, if i didnt start moving I'd be late forr work

Prt 2?

nick and Charlie <3Where stories live. Discover now