this isn't how it's suppose to go.

432 11 1

Nick's POV

it was a Monday and i was getting ready for school

Charlie spent the night at my place and he's right now putting on his shoes

He looks up at me with a frown, he stomps his feet, whining about how he doesn't feel like bending down to tie his shoe laces

"Mmmm! Can you do this for mee? Pretty please"
He said giving me puppy eyes. How on earth could i say no to that

I chuckled and bent down to tie his laces

~time skip~

We were walking to the cafeteria for lunch

We just finished a surprise quiz

Charlie wanted to just copy off mine, but, well, I'm a good boyfriend, i won't do that

He kept whining about how the quiz was hard and surprise quizzes are dumb

He kept whining and whining and didn't notice an opened locker and, well.
He crashed into it of course

"AH! the hell?!" He screamed rubbing him head

I turned him around to see if he was bleeding, he wasn't

~time skip~

We were in science, and we were learning about body parts.

The teacher told us to take out the insides and put it back in the same order

Charlie was not really paying attention to me, he was just focused on how to get the body's insides right

It was pissing me off, not gonna lie.

I hate when I'm being ignored, he knows that

It's either he's doing this on purpose or he's really trying to focus

I couldn't help but think he was doing this on purpose

I kept giving him small glances to see if he was ever looking at me, but no
He hasn't looked at me, not once, the only time he looked at me was when he asked me to pass some body part i didn't know the name of

He just kept working on this body that didn't have a head, arms, legs, or a soul.

He won't even at least hold my hands, or make his knee touch mine

I wanted to hold his hand but whenever i tried he'd slap them away and say
'I have to focus nick'
He's that serious he's calling me nick now??

Tsk tsk tsk

Whatever will i do to this man

~time skip~

We were walking in the hallways, ready to go home, until i pulled Charlie with me into some random empty classroom.

I pushed him on a desk, he looked up at me
"U-uhm what-what are you doing?"

"Shh" i said while kissing him rather hungrily, it's like i was eating him or something

I couldn't care less

I could hear his soft moans
He tried to hold them back but fails trying to keep them in

He moan loudly but not loud enough to make the whole school hear him, the only person to hear him was me

Me and me only,

He suddenly flipped me under him, so he was ontop i was underneath

"What are you doing?" I asked,

"Shh" he shushed me, he kissed my neck and started lifting my shirt

This isn't how it's suppose to go.

Are they even comfortable with stuff like this??? If they are please tell me.


nick and Charlie <3Where stories live. Discover now