Chapter 16: Operation, Jacob's new friend

Start from the beginning

Me: It's always nice to rela-


I quickly turned around with my hand on my holster getting up in case something popped out of the bush.

Soon a short figure popped out of the bush in front of me.

???: Agh, leaves.

The two of us just stared at each other not knowing what to do.

???: Uh, hello...

I removed my hand from my holster to not show I was a threat.

Me: Hey there... 'Why does she look familiar?'

???: So, uh... what's your name?

Me: Jacob Benett Rose... yours?

May: May, May Zedong.

Me: Nice to meet you then... 'It's her!'

May: You too, so why are you here?

Me: I love to relax, there a problem?

May: No, not really.

Me: Alright then what about you?

May: To observe who I'm up against.

Me: What?

May: I'm competing in the Vytal Festival.

Me: Ah.

May: Are you too?

Me: Nah.

May: Ok then...

Me: So, what do you use to fight?

3rd POV

May: I use this.

May then pulled out here sniper rifle.

Jacob: Hm a Gepárd GM6 Lynx sniper rifle.

May looked at Jacob confused at what he had just said.

May: A what?

Jacob realized his mistake and covered it up.

Jacob: Nothing. Anyways, I see I've met a fellow sniper.

May: You use a sniper too?

Jacob deadpanned a bit since he had the Barrett slung on his back.

Jacob: Y-you didn't notice it?

May: Notice what?

Jacob: My back.

May: What do you mea-

May looked on his back to see the Barrett slung there.

May: That's your sniper!?

Jacob: Yeah!

Jacob grabbed the rifle placing on the ground.

Jacob: Barrett M82, one of the most powerful snipers currently.

May: H-how come I've never heard of this!?

Jacob: Special circumstances.

May: Well then, I-


Jacob: Sorry about that, give me a minute.

Dane: Broadcasting to all channels, this is Bravo 4-0, keep an eye out for any White Fang personnel. White Fang members have been spotted in Vale.

Jacob: This is Bravo 4-1, roger that.

After he said that the radio lit up with voices replying the same way Jacob did.

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