Chapter 7: Trauma

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Marina's Pov:

A knock on the door sounds and a man in his forties walks in. He shakes Massimo's hand as they talk in Spanish. I, of course listen in on what they are saying. Massimo is telling the doctor to check everything and make sure nothing is left to chance. He also threatened him to make sure I was comfortable and taken care of or he would chop his balls off.

Aww. Now that just warms my cold, frosty heart.

I sat on the side of the bed watching the whole interaction with amusement. "I'll be out side. Scream if you need me. And little Bambi, behave." Massimo gave me the death stare as he left the room leaving me the doctor alone.

He seemed nervous but got on with what he was there for. He took x-rays, blood, checked my heart, lungs and my body for bruising ect...

"I need to make sure your reproductive health is good also. Can you please lie back, bend your knees and drop them to the side." I do as he says but my heart hurts as I do. I can see the doctor tense after a moment and he looks to me.

"Miss.. You have severe bruising to your thighs and vaginal area. Are you okay with me proceeding? If you are uncomfortable I can grab on of my female colleagues come take over?"

My gaze finds the ceiling as tears prick my eyes. "N-no. Can you just get it over with please?" I rasp out. The doctor continues, telling me everything he is doing as he does it. He reassures me that I was doing well and that he was almost done.

I could not longer hold the tears and silently let them fall. The same numbness set into my bones as I blocked out the bed memories. "It looks like you have some internal scarring and bruising. I'm going to get you some pain medication to take and also some anti-biotics to ward off any infections. Have you taken any plan b or birth control regularly?"

Sitting up I answer his questions and he leaves the room. While he is gone I get redress out of the hospital gown and wait for him to come back. The door opens and it's Massimo who comes in not the doctor.

He takes one look at me and his stone façade fades as he frowns. "What's wrong? Did Dr. Sanchez do anything?" I nit my eyebrows as to why he cares. "No." I rasp out, clearing my throat.

Still eyeing me he takes a seat on one of the sofas while scrolling on his phone. After another several minutes Dr. Sanchez knocks and comes in. He eyes Massimo for a moment before directing his attention back to me.

"I have you results. Would you like the Don to stay?" Massimo's head snaps to the doctor a glare setting in. "I'll be staying." He never takes his eyes off the doctor as he comes to stand near me.

"With all do respect Don. Miss Night is my patient, not you. If she doesn't want you here I'll respect her wishes." I pipe up before Massimo decides to shoot Doctor Sanchez. "I- Um, It's fine Massimo can stay." They both look at me and then the doctor finally starts to talk.

"The lab says your blood looks good, no infections or STI's, and hormone levels looks great. I have your prescriptions and in two months come back so we can change out your birth control. You are at various stages of healing over your body. Fractures to your fingers and ankle. Severe bruising to the ribs and back. You have scars that are all healed nicely. No sign of concussion. You are underweight, try to eat healthily and three times a day while snacking in between."

Doctor Sanchez hesitate at the next part giving me a look to make sure I'm comfortable with Massimo know. I don't care if he knows it's not like he can do anything to change what happened.

"It's fine, you can continue." I say giving my approval. "You have severe bruising to your thighs as well as to the exterior of the vaginal area. You have some bruising and scaring to the interior vaginal walls also. Your birth control did it's job and as I've said you are free of any STI's. Take it easy for the next few weeks, take you prescriptions and you should heal without any complications. I've also ordered a prescription for sleeping pills in case you have trouble. Do you have any questions?"

Massimo's whole body tenses when the doctor continued. He caught me gaze and I had to do a double take. Massimo, the King of the south, the heartless and ruthless Don is looking at me with heartbreak. His face softens the more the doctor talks.

"When will I be able to go to the gym and train?" I genuinely miss going working out. It's how I work out all my frustrations, it's where I go to think. Not having that outlet for the past few months has been worse than the actual torture. Not really but it is very close.

"We can worry about later on little Bambi." Massimo's voice is soft and tender meaning every word. "Let's just get you healed up for now. Then we will make arrangements for a follow up appointment where we can discuss doing physical activity." The doctor agrees telling me it will be a few weeks before I can think of working out and then takes his leave.

It's now just Massimo and I left in the room. He seems to be deep in thought. His arms cross his chest as he glares at the floor. I get up to stand which seems to alert him. With quick and easy strides Massimo holds his arms out to me.

With a questioning look, my eyes find his. "May I pick you up?" SHOCKED, NO! absolutely flabbergasted. His eyes seem to be pleading with me just to let him. It's probably just the new information he has learned.

I mean finding out someone was raped on top of being beaten and starved if you know them or not will break even the strongest of men.

That thought makes me go rigid for a moment, if it's pity he is giving he can keep it. I nod my head to Massimo who doesn't waste a second pulling my to his chest, holding me so that I am wrapped around him like a koala. The way to the car was silent.

One of Massimo's hands was under my ass as the other rubbed across my shoulder blades, pushing our chests together with my head on his shoulder. The car ride was similar as neither of us talked for a few moments.

"You should have told me you were in pain." Massimo's voice comes out breezy, like it was painful for him, yet dominant. "You will tell me in the future if you are in any pain." That last part was definitely a demand then him actually talking to me.

By the time we get back to the mansion the day had flown by. It had cooled tremendously and evening had hit. "Clothes and other accessories will arrive for you tomorrow. Dinner will be ready soon." At that Massimo left me in the foyer as he walked out of the house again.

Time to do some exploring.

Maybe there is vodka laying around...

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