Chapter 8: Sleepover?

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Massimo's Pov:

Music blasts in my ears as I sit at the bar. People are dancing all around enjoying the club. I however have a permanent scowl etched into my face, warning people to stay away from me.


They fucking raped her and from what the doctor described, it was brutal.

Never would I have thought that to happen to Scarlet. Her fire burns to bright. She keeps the trauma to herself, never letting it break her. How she does that, I have no idea.

When I found Lola after the attack she was shattered. The whole person she once was had gone. She was a shell of herself for so long. Even now still she is changed and I know that she won't ever be how she was before.

Scarlet I didn't know before. But I can't imagine her not being sassy, and such a fucking smartass. I'm not sure why I care so much for this girl, when the doctor went on to explain the state she is in I couldn't believe she was still going.

I don't even know her real fucking name and for some unknown reason I care for her more than I care to admit to myself let alone anyone else. She is business, nothing more.

She can't be.

I bring the glass of bourbon to my lips and finish it off as my bartender sets another in front of me.


Marina's Pov:

Music pumps through the kitchen while I dance on top of the island along to the Spanish songs that play. I got bored of drinking by myself so I made it a party for one. I know I'm technically supposed to be taking it easy but right now in this moment I couldn't possibly care less.

Suddenly the music stops and the dim lights turn on fully. The bottle of vodka is pressed to my lips as I freeze in place. "Uhh ¿Hola?" A girl stands in the doorway looking as frozen as I am.

It hits me that this must be the sister. "Oh, shit. Uhh hey!" I wobble and try to get off the counter without falling as the girl just stares.  "Uh okay. Who exactly are you and why are you in my house?" Her accent really shines through more than Massimo's.

"I've got a deal with Massimo so I'll be here for a while." She's really pretty. Surprise crosses her face as she looks me up and down. "A deal? Are you his puta?" Oh I like her even more. Sassy.

Also do I just give off whore vibes or something? 

"Not that kind of deal love. But yes I can see why you think that seeing as I'm dressed in his hoodie." I spin around and gulp down another mouthful of vodka. "I'm Lola." The bottle is taken from my hands as she brings it to her lips.

I raise my eyebrow as she takes two gulps without cringing away. "You're brother and his friends call me Scarlet." Lola's whole demeanour changes shock and awe taking over her features. "Wait! You're the Scarlet Night?!" She screeches as she looks at me eyes wide.

"I knew he was looking for you. But I never thought he would get you." Lola rambles still dazed by the information. I park my ass on a stool as she continues to rant. "Extenuating circumstances and all that. We can help each other, so it's mutually beneficial. Plus he threatened to kill me if I didn't agree so."

Soon enough the bottle is finished of and Lola grabs another. We talk for a little longer as I see her eyeing me up before she asks. "So, I'm a nosey puta and everything so I'm going to ask. Did my brother hurt you? I can see the bruises on your legs and every time you move you wince."

"It's okay I'm a nosey bitch too but no, this was not your brothers doing. I was held captive by the French for several months when Massimo raided their compound and found me." I explain trying not to get lost in the memories.

Lola seems to pale at my answer. "I-I... I hadn't known he had raided the French." What? Wait shit. Was that supposed to be a secret?

Well now he might just actually fucking kill me.

"I'm sure he was going to tell you." There is a look of sadness that passes over her face before she directs her eyes back to me. "Fuck the French." She takes another swig of vodka.

"Fuck the French."


Giggling, Lola and I somehow made it up to her bedroom. It was right beside my own. It was a beautiful mix of white and gold with brown hard wood floors. We were both in her bed with bags of food that we had ordered and the TV going with some reality show.

"Oh how I've missed junk food." I moan as I shove yet another fry into my mouth. Lola laughs from beside me as the blonde American on the screen freaking out at her mother. "Haha, why is she having a tantrum about diamonds being better than pearls. Perra estúpida." She throughs some fry's at the TV as the door to her bedroom opens.

There standing in the door way are Luis and Riccardo who are looking at the pair of us with amusement. "What are you girls up to? Makings a mess I see."

"Actually for your information gilipollas, we are having a sleepover. No little boys allowed, so shoo." Lola flaps her hand towards the men who shake their heads and disappear out the door. Half an hour later the bedroom door flies open again only this time it's Massimo standing there.

He did not look happy.

"And what the hell is going on in here?"

"Uhhhhhhhh... Sleepover?"

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