Chapter 3: Revenge will come.

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Massimo's Pov:

I walk out of the Mansion, followed by Luis who has Scarlet in his arms. Riccardo gets on the phone with the pilot letting him know we would be there soon. The French have been of some annoyance to me for years now.

Ever since I started to build my empire up they thought they could just come in and take what wasn't theirs. We went to war knowing that I would win in the end. What I didn't expect was for them to have help and ambush us.

While number wise we could take them, cocky in my ability to win I didn't see that they were stalling for time. I was stupid and I will never make that mistake again.

They killed many of my family, two of my siblings and my parents. They used the war as a distraction to sneak into the safe house and murder them. The only one to survive the attack, my baby sister Lola. 

Not without cost.

They hurt her bad and I will not stop until every last person who had a hand in the destruction of my family is nothing more than a bunch of body parts. 

This brings us to now. 

I have been trying to track down the French for 7 almost 8 months but after the war they seemed to just vanish along with the top assassin I was trying to recruit.

Imagine my surprise when my men found her in that cage. So of course I made a deal with her. In all the time I was trying to recruit her no one knew who she was, where to contact her, not her real name or a friend of a friend who knew her.

She was careful. Very careful. Why? I have no idea, but when she said she couldn't go home it made me wonder. Is she hiding from someone? Her family? Now that I have her I will find out.

She wasn't what I had expected her to be. Scarlet has an attitude, an 'I don't give a fuck' attitude. I should have shot her right where she sat the moment she said no to me. No one says no to me, and if they do they don't live to see another day. But I need her, and as it turns out, she needs me.

I look at the Bambi who sleeps in the seat in front of me. She has cuts and bruises that mark her paled tan skin. Her lips are chapped and she is made of skin and bone. I'm going to have to put a lot of work into her to get her back into fighting shape.

Her clothes are torn and hang off her. An unsettling feeling takes residency in my gut when I look or think of this girl. How could she have gone through everything she has and still have such fire within her?

She'll be good for Lola.

We soon pull up to the jet with Luis and Riccardo behind in the other car. This time though I take Bambi into my arms bridal style. Just like I had assumed, she weighs nothing. "Hey, I got her Mass." Luis try's to take her out of my arms. "I got her. You and Ric go make sure everything here is good to go, meet me on board when you're done." He smirks at me and shakes his head before walking off with Riccardo.

When I make it onto the jet I settle Scarlet into the back where the bed is. The bed is in the main part of the jet so I can keep an eye on her while catching up on some work. When she is all settled I go over to the sofa and strap in.

Soon Luis and Ric come back and take up their seats in front of me and before I know it we are taking off. The rest of the flight back to Mexico was spent doing work and keeping an eye on Bambi.

I have a feeling she is going to be a handful.


Marina's Pov:


I am warm.

When was the last time I felt so warm?

I hurt. Everything hurts. As I move around a small bit my senses slowly come back to me. Where the fuck am I? Slowly I try to open my eyes and look around. A plane? No, a jet. Then all the memories start to come back to me.

Oh yeah I made a deal with handsomeness. A small whine noise escapes it's way out of me before I could catch it. "Well good morning to you too Chica." The voice startles me but I recognise it to be none other than that puta's voice.

I lift my head slowly and squint my eyes to see. Three men are sat in the middle of the plane, all looking at me. Massimo and the two men who found me in the cells. I let out a groan knowing there is no where to go and flop back onto the comfy bed and drag the duvet over my head.

The duvet is ripped off of me the next minute and Massimo is standing over me. "Get up." In a huff I stand only for my knee to give out. Massimo's hand wraps around my waist catching me before I hit the ground.

I manage to push him off of me. Finding his touch weirdly tender, like I was back in the warm duvet. Massimo clears his throat and puts his hand on my lower back guiding me into a room next to the bed. "Shower, change and come back out when you're finished." With that he closes the door behind him and I am alone in the bathroom.

It's quite nice for a jet bathroom but I guess when you're the "King" you get what you want. My reflection in the mirror catches me off guard. I look tragic. This wont do, I hop in the shower revelling the hot water.

I have never scrubbed my skin so hard. I washed my hair three times and was able to shave, lord knows that took time. 

Looks like a Chewbacca went down that drain.


After a good 40 minutes I turn the water off and find my reflection in the mirror again.

I look a lot better. Sighing my eyes dart around for my clothes only to find they were gone and replaced with lacey black underwear and bra, as well as biker shorts and an oversized jumper. The jumper smelled really nice, it smelled familiar. From where, I couldn't tell you.

The bruises on my legs are on display, they are all in different stages of healing but they all look ugly. Brushing my hair was not an easy task. Months of knots had me there for a bazillion decades trying to untangle it. The conditioner help  and finally I looked somewhat presentable.

The three men moved to the table at the top of the jet, all eating something. When they hear me exit the bathroom they all turn to face me. "Scarlet, I picked some food for you." Puta tells me very enthusiastically. None say anything about the bruises I hadn't expected them to but its good to know they mind their own business somewhat.

"Scarlet?" I walk over to them and take the only empty seat that was next to Massimo. "Well yeah, your Scarlet Night." In front of me was a really sexy looking chicken pesto and mozzarella on sourdough.

"You do know that isn't my name, right?" The smell of the jumper gets stronger causing me to scrunch my eyebrows. It's then that I realise it's not the jumper I'm smelling it's Massimo's cologne.

Putting the pieces together that I am in fact wearing Massimo's hoodie. For the ever loving fuck. "Are you going to tell us your real name?" Massimo asks looking up from his phone. Scoffing, as if I would. "No."

"Well Scarlet it is." I roll my eyes that them before turning back to my sandwich. I ate a good bit of it before I got full. "I'm Luis, that's Riccardo. He's not really a talker." Luis as I know him now goes on to tell me he is Massimo's second in command and Riccardo is third.

Soon they all go back to their work and I just think. I wasn't due to check in with Hayley or Leo until December if there wasn't anything urgent. I had thought it was only 6 months but that was wrong.

I had been gone nearly 8. Luis told me the date when I had asked. 8 months and no one knew I was gone. No one knew I was being hurt, or starved or- whatever. I'm enough. I don't need anyone and when I find these asshole and kill them I can go home.


Do I even have a home anymore?

Would they even want me back?

It seems so long ago that my biggest problem was being sent to boarding school for pot. I don't even care about any of that anymore. I just hope they are all doing okay.

Heart of Ice.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora