Cursed Hunter dating shy female human reader (Headcanon)

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Fandom: The Owl House

Character(s): Hunter

Requested by: (Me)

Request: Hello! 💕 Can I request a fluffy headcanon about Fluff relationship with his shy!female!human!reader for Cursed!Hunter (TOH)? Hint: She is not scared of cursed!Hunter because she thinks his cardinal harpy side is so extremely adorable thing she seen. 🤭💕~🦋

At first when you started dating, Hunter didn't told you about his curse

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At first when you started dating, Hunter didn't told you about his curse.

He was scared about your reaction and he would hate to lose you because of it.

He only told you about this when your relationship stopped being awkward and both of you relaxed more into it.

Your reaction surprised him but he was happy that you accepted this part of him and promised to help him live more comfortably with it.

Every time he felt like the curse was going to take over him, he tried to distance himself from you.

At first you weren't sure why but then you realized that he did that every time he was going to turn and he just didn't wanted to accidentally hurt you.

Whenever you were going to meet up with him, you always bought some elixir for him so he could have it with him and so he wouldn't be scared that he'll suddenly transform.

Hunter always makes sure to let you know how much he appreciates you being so understanding and helpful.

He actually didn't thought someone would love him because of his curse so he feels so blessed to have you in his life.

Hunter TOH x Shy!female!human!reader Headcanons & Imagines I requestedWhere stories live. Discover now