Hunter - Protective boyfriend (Imagine💕)

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Hunter x Shy Female Human Reader

Fandom: The Owl House

Prompts: "You'll back off if you know what's good for you" and "You'll always be safe with me"

Summary: After Hunter came back to his girlfriend, he saw some guy making her really uncomfortable which didn't make Hunter happy.

💕- Fluff

Requested by: (Me)

Hunter's POV

"Thank you Golden Guard" One of the guards in town said to me after I helped them catch some guy. When I was walking away I pulled my mask of and smiled when I thought of my cute girlfriend that was waiting for me.

I feel bad that I left her so to make this up to her maybe I will buy her that food she was talking about a few days ago.

I suddenly stopped in my tracks. I started shaking with anger at the sight I saw.

Some guy with brown hair had his both arms putted on both sides of my girlfriend's head and was pinning her against a wall. One look on her face told me she feels really bad but the thing that made me even more mad was the fact that she was close to crying.

I quickly walked up there and putted my hand on the guy's shoulder.

"Let her go!" I said making him turned in my direction, he looked at me and smiled. "Look dude, it's not your business" He said and laughed at me mockingly.

I quickly pinned him to the wall and whispered in his ear "You'll back off if you know what's good for you".

His eyes widened and he started trembling.

"O-Okay j-just let me go dude" He yelled sounding scared. After I let him go he quickly disappeared.

I immediately went to my girlfriend's side and pulled her into a hug.

"Shhh it's okay, come on we will get some food and go home to cuddle ok?" I asked her making my voice as soft as I could. She nodded into my chest.

"Don't worry, you'll always be safe with me"

Hunter TOH x Shy!female!human!reader Headcanons & Imagines I requestedWhere stories live. Discover now