Volume I - Chapter XII

Start from the beginning


The colossal beast marched towards the city with the rest of its horde, a maelstrom of hate, fear, and anger beckoning it forward, igniting a fire within its non-existent heart — a fire that could never be quenched. The acid tang of blood in the air, the smell of despair mixed with contempt, the screams of the innocents — all of it called out to the Ancient Grimm, a great creature of darkness, luring it in like a siren's song. Each and every single one of the emotions it sensed was undeniably beautiful, and it couldn't help but find it intoxicating, almost addicting, to be surrounded by such negativity; a symphony of suffering and destruction that only a creature like its fellow Grimm could appreciate.
For decades, it had slumbered beneath the waves, waiting for an opportunity to strike against those who had dared raise their hands against it in the past... and now, here they were, mere mortals hiding behind the walls of their pathetic little city, their resentment and desperation fueling the serpent's dark desires. At the end of the day, they're nothing more than fools who dared to think that they could stand a chance against the Ancient and its army; their city is a cesspool of filth and despair, a fitting tomb for their own pitiful, meaningless existence. The multi-headed serpent could feel the excitement building inside of its body as the coastal city finally came into view, hissing as it watched its horde slowly move past its position and march towards their new feeding ground like the pack of ravenous beasts they are — their eyes gleaming with a macabre lust for blood and carnage.
And unlike the rest of its horde, the Ancient simply chose to stand back and allow itself to savor the spectacle, watching as the first wave of Grimm began to descend upon the city like a swarm of locusts, the screams of the mortals ringing in his ear like a beautiful song.


The arrival of the horde is punctuated by the sound of thundering footfalls and the splashing of water; hundreds of enormous beasts began to emerge from the depths of the sea, a churning mass of water and foam trailing in their wake as they surged towards the city with an unstoppable force. Leviathan, the Terror of the Sea; creatures of the deep that had dwelled beneath the waves for decades — if not centuries — their razor-sharp claws prepared to tear through anything that dared to stand in their path. And just as she had expected, the ginormous Grimm did not march alone; their presence was accompanied by thousands of dark silhouettes that spread across the horizon like a plague — wings unfurled in an eerie display of ill omen. Nevermore, the Harbinger of Ruin; heralds of both death and destruction, their shadows casting a dark veil over the sea as they soar through the night sky with a grace that belies their deadly nature. Mixed among those numbers are hundreds of sinuous bodies, each one writhing and slithering through the air in what can only be described as an unholy dance. Sea Feilong, the Abyssal Serpent; monstrous creatures that were believed to be the embodiment of the ocean's fury and wrath, their massive wings cutting through the air with a sound reminiscent of thunder — arcs of lightning can be seen trailing in their wake as they prepare to unleash their elemental fury upon the city.
Kiana knew that every single one of these creatures represented a threat to Argus and its people, yet even the level of destruction their combined might could inflict upon the city would pale in comparison to the carnage the one leading them would bring.
Hydra, the Immortal Scourge...
Spanning over hundreds of meters in length, the Ancient seemed content to remain behind the imposing ranks of its horde; a large part of its gargantuan form slumbered beneath the waves while its eyes bore into the city with pure and unmitigated malice. She watched as the multi-headed serpent began to coil and twist; the water around its body started to churn and boil as the Ancient opened its immense maws and let loose another deafening roar that could be heard throughout the entire city. The rain that had been nothing more than a drizzle just a few moments ago suddenly turned into a raging storm, the wind howling with such fury that it threatened to tear the entire city apart. Massive waves crashed against the concrete foundation; the sky turned a dark crimson color as thunderheads began to form, the lightning streaking across the atmosphere in brilliant displays of light.
Kiana stood her ground and watched as the nearby Atlas Military Base became a hive of activity; the Blade of Conviction slowly came into existence even as the city-wide alarm began to blare in earnest. Dozens of turrets that still remained operational began to turn and point their muzzles towards the approaching horde, their barrels glowing with a fierce red light as they prepared to fire their first volley. She walked towards the edge of the pier, her steps calm and measured despite the chaos surrounding her; her gaze was fixed on the Hydra's colossal form as it continued to bellow and hiss in anger.
'... ignition; ready.'
The air started to shimmer as she drew her weapon, the temperature increasing exponentially until the rain itself seemed to evaporate as soon as it touched her body; the heat was so intense that the concrete beneath her feet began to crack and melt. She channeled her power into the Blade of Conviction, watching as trails of flame appeared and danced along its edge. With a single flick of her hand, the weapon shattered into a hundred pieces, each fragment whirling around her body like a hurricane before coalescing back into a new blade, its form a perfect fusion between fire and steel, a weapon of pure destruction that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. Streams of fire started to erupt from her back as she lowered her stance and ran her hand along the length of the blade; a faint smile slowly spread across her face as she felt the raw, searing heat that was now coursing through her veins.
"Burn and devour!" Kiana shouted as she launched herself towards the approaching horde; her voice reverberated throughout the very atmosphere itself, a roar of defiance that seemed to herald the beginning of the end. "Raging Flames, may you consume everything that stands in your path!"

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