Shame to call you friend

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Finally entering the restaurant , i was welcomed by the stares and glares from every customer and staff, especially the girls and to add there so shamelessly talking so loud about me.
" What a gold digger " Look at her!She doesn't even look that good" and so on. i stared down at my shoes feeling ashamed and heart broken , as memories during my high school started to hit me with full force . I felt the tears gathering at the corner of my eyes , ready to fall anytime soon, but sadly, this time eomma won't be here to wipe them off.

I looked up at Mr. Han , and it's seems like he is the only person here that doesn't hat or disgusted by my existence at the moment. He stood there at the cash counter smiling towards me like a father encouraging her daughter to carry on the recital she's giving in front of the whole class, but I'm too heartbroken to return a smile at him.

I advanced towards the changing room to escape from the glares and murmurs . But how long I would be able to run away from them?

I plopped myself down at the chair crying my heart out , as i kept on telling myself that they're not worth my tears when door bursts opened with a loud bang revealing Andrew . I expected him to wipe my tears and console me but I was so wrong.

He glanced down at me with hateful eyes as if he was so disgusted by me.
"What did i even do, is it because i was with Jungkook ? But you are not supposed to behave like that, you are my friend ."
I ranted out in my head dying to tell him . But no words came out . I was too shocked and overwhelmed by his behavior . I can't believe i called this guy once my friend .

He grabbed me by my arms making me stand up and face him . I can already feel my arms getting bruised, as he was holding it in a very firm grip.

Even though i was hurting i couldn't tell him to stop ad i am too astonished by his unfamiliar behavior . Who knew he had this disgusting and evil side of him hidden from so long .

"You are gonna pay for it, Yn"
He roared with venom laced in his voice.I frowned at him in confusion , having a great urge to ask him what he meant .
"I told you to stay away from him , didn't I .Just wait you are really going to regret it" he hissed.

That's where you are wrong because the only thing I am going to regret is calling you my friend "
I spat back at him with equal hate. There's something in me that had snapped inside me when he talked in that way about Jungkook.
He doesn't even know about Jungkook, expect from the rumors that he heard , which is not even close to truth.

"Oh really, i told you to stay away from him but like a slut and gold digger you are you didn't. I should have known. "
He fumed making a gasp escaped from my lips . Upon hearing his words I couldn't help but let my tears fall .
How can he say something like that?

"Remember what i said, Yn .You are gonna regret it. "
He said once again and pushed me backwards making me stumble back and hit the wall behind me. I stared at his back ,still couldn't believe that Andrew, the guy with i shared everything including my deepest secrets to my embarrassing moments, would say something like that to me when i did nothing but get close to Jungkook. I know he has the right to be angry when he actually warned me but it is okay to him to call me names?

I slid down to the wall , with tears falling as if there's no tomorrow . The door creaked open and i immediately shot my head up thinking it might be Andrew coming back to apologize but instead it is Mr.Han . He approached me and crouched down in front of my shaking figure . He lifted ilhis hands to wipe off my tears which made me cry even more as he reminds me of my father. He engulfed me into a hug whispering nothing but sweet words in my ears.

After a while my tears finally dead down ."Go back home and rest " he said stroking my red cheeks tenderly. I opened my mouth to disagree but he cut me off.
"I mean it, Daughter . Go home and come to work when you finally have a fresh mind. "
I hugged him too thankful to have him in my life.

I exited the restraunt with my head hunged down and shoulder sulked down. I knew that today is not my day but I didn't knew that it would be this bad.

Reaching my apartment, I opened the door, throw my bag lazily on the floor and literally plopped on the couch. Maybe a little me-time can help me feel better. I say to myself rapping my whole body in my blanket .I don't want to live anymore.....


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