The Jumbie Attack....

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It all started when my friend forced me to go fly little plane toys with her.

I told her no and she threatened to jump me, so I agreed to go with her anyway.

The place was really big, it looked like a warehouse or a big garage WOTH really really really, hit ceilings.

She had her plane and started flying it, I noticed that there were really cute boys also flying the toy plane.

I'm pretty sure they were brothers by the looks of it.

I get my plane and start flying it.

It was all fun until BAM.

Someone's toy plane had hit me right in my eye.

I fall and hit my head and pass out.

Exactly 1 minute later I wake up and see those 2 cute brothers and my friend over me asking if I was okay.

"OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY!! JUMBIE DIDNT MEAN TO HIT YOU!!!" The one with black hair says to me.

"It's okay I'm fine, really." I say

The dread locked one help me up, he smelt really good and his hands were soft.

I had a wicked migraine when i got up, I put my hand on my head.

"Are you okay?" The beautiful dread one said

"Yeah, I just have a migraine that's all."

"Oh okay, how about I get you some advil from bills purse!" He says smiling at me

"Oh uh okay! Thank you." I say smiling back at him

He comes back with water and advil, I take that advil like a champ and chug the water.

Me and him talk for awhile, turns out we have so much in common!

We both play guitar which we wouldn't stop talking about.


I roll my eyes.

"Ugh i am so sorry Tom, I gotta go. Can I have your number so we can maybe play guitar?" I say to him

"Of course, how about tomorrow. I'll send you my address." He says as we exchange phone numbers.

The next day we jam out with our guitars.

He told me he has a band and asked if I wanted to join the band.

I said obviously said yes and the band was so glad to have me and there 2ND GUITARIST!!!!!!!!

Tom fell in love with me and ended up being girlfriend and boyfriend and be known as one of Germans cutest couple.

And Jumbie went "mysteriously" missing after the attack on me.

R.I.P jumbie....

A/n: THANK YOU ALL FOR 5K+ READS AND THANK YOU ALL FOR THE VOTES! I have another story that I might post tomorrow that @tomlover23
suggested I do for another story since I'm running out of ideas!
But if you want to give me ideas or imagines that you want me to write just comment and I'll reply to you!

Tom Kaulitz imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora