"This isn't a dream" Bella says

"Nope" I call out from where I'm sitting "and fingers crossed that I'll finally become an only child"

"You know they'll kill you too" Bella says

"Yeah but unlike you I'm fine with it since I know everyone dies someday" not looking at her as I swipe my character to the left "while you are in denial since you fear death and aging, why else did you date Edward and become friends with pixie girl?"

"Because I love him!" Bella exclaims as Edward yells "she and I love each other!" And Alice yells "I saw Bella and I becoming best friends and we are! I can barely even see your future!"

Pausing my game I look at them "and that's the problem with you three. You two rely on your gifts so much that you both don't know how to function without them" pointing at Edward "You Edward were so use to listening to everyone's mind that Bella and I threw you off but when someone wants to know about you you shut off that your thoughts are too personal. You Alice" pointing at Alice "use your gifts all the fucking time that it's so annoying! You say you and Bella will be best of friends but your forgetting that there are multiple outcomes to a person's future. It isn't like if the vision just comes up! You don't see the bigger picture and I can't stress this next thing enough—you two can't see what everyone else sees about Bella. Bella is a self absorbed narcissist who manipulates people into doing what she wants and if it doesn't fit in her perfect world that she built for herself then you mean nothing. Bella built a persona around herself that she made so easy for you two to fall for. She is not sweet and innocent. Between the two of us I'm the only one that will feel slight remorse while Bella will feel none at all. I may be dark and twisty and possibly have no soul but at least I'm honest about who I am. Bella isn't" the room is deadly silent after my long rant so I go back to my phone and play Subway Surfer.

"Your wrong" Edward says "Bella does love me ans I love her and she and Alice are best of friends"

"Oh really?" I ask setting my phone down pausing the game "if you two cared about Bella so much. Why didn't you turn her? Why keep her human? You both care more about her than anyone in your coven. From what I witnessed Alice you would have had no problem in Bella being turned, you were more than prepared to add her to your coven but why didn't you? If Edward didn't turn her then why not you? Carlisle knew the rules of this world since he told me how he lived here in this castle, in this coven yet..." shaking my head "I'm pretty sure someone could make a movie series about this and it'd be really funny to watch how cringy it is and the drama" shaking my head "god" looking at the vampire kings "can I wait in the waiting area with the receptionist and call me back in when your about to kill me?"

The kings share a look "Felix" Caius orders then in Italian "Mostrala alla guardia superiore, dopo che Heidi porterà la cena la girerò" Show her to the upper guard, after Heidi brings in dinner I shall be turning her

Nodding his head, he comes over and holds his hand out. Taking it I follow him out of the room in silence "I thought" asking as we pass the receptionist "I'll be waiting here"

"No" Felix looks down at me "it seems it's your lucky day, the kings have decided to add you to our coven"

"Really?" I ask "why? It'll possibly cause more problems for them keeping me a vampire than just killing me"

He doesn't say anything, merely opens a door and three vampires look my way. Two men and one woman. The woman has long blonde hair with pale skin, one of the men has red hair and pale skin while the last man has dark skin with long black hair. All of them have red eyes "Helena this is Afton, his mate Chelsea and Santiago. There is also Corin and Renata but the two we with the wive's at the moment" putting his hand on my back, I resist the urge to jump he brings me closer to the others who look at me "Helena here will soon join our coven"

 There is also Corin and Renata but the two we with the wive's at the moment" putting his hand on my back, I resist the urge to jump he brings me closer to the others who look at me "Helena here will soon join our coven"

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The vampires look at me "Hello" Chelsea comes over smiling "it's nice to meet you"

"Demetri" looking over seeing Demetri here, he looks at me.

"The kings want her back" I was just brought here and now they want me back "they wish to ask you about your turning"

"Why?" Felix and I both asn

"Apparently Alice Cullen and Edward Cullen" Demetri says "are arguing saying that you need to finish high school first before being turned and that you have five babies that count on you"

"Babies?!" Felix and I exclaim, he and I look at one another for a moment before I check my bag.

"What are you doing?" Afton asks and I pull out a box of matches.

"Ending those two once and for all" smiling at Demetri who lets out a laugh shaking his head.

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