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Sunset City – Open Waters on Ship – 1:11 p.m.

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The waves are rocking the ship back and forth a little rougher than anyone would want them to as all the guests are escorted back into their rooms. One guest in particular has snuck into the cargo bay and is sitting on top of the wooden crates, in the middle of a phone conversation.

Quietly the detective sneaks behind a crate a little ways from the rabbit, undoing his camouflage. He has been invisible for two hours now and he won't be able to keep it up any longer.

"-I'm sure. Those detectives may be... a bit eccentric for my taste but I'm sure they'll get the job done. But if they can't, then how can I be sure you'll be able to get your hands on him?"

"You seem to forget what my specialty is, Mr. Rabbit. Call off the search with those has-beens-"

Espio raises an eyebrow and taps a finger on his cheek. 'Has-beens?'

"-and let me be the one to deal with the hero. Remember, I always deliver the goods."

"Yes, but unlike them, you charge way too much for your pricing."

"But unlike them, I always put on a show to bring in more customers."

"I am not sharing Sonic with anyone. That obnoxious hero will pay for what he did to me."

Espio leans his head a little closer, trying to figure out the details of their conversation. 'What he did? What would Sonic have done to him? Sure, he jests a bit, but he only saves. What do they want with him?'

"If you didn't want my help, then why would you call me, Jack? I'm a busy man, ya know."

"I need a backup plan in case those detectives fail me."

"Fine, I'll do this for you since we've worked well together in the past. Once I get a hold of the hero then I'll let you have your fill with him at a... cheaper price, but, if you want to make your money back then you'll have to let me have him for, let's say, a week. The hero should make me a pretty penny."

Amber eyes narrow as Espio stealthily looks around the corner of a box only to see the rabbit's ear poking for being another crate. 'What is he planning to do with him?'

"I don't want anyone else to touch him! He's mine to-"

"Ah-ah-ah, I told you, Jack, I'll put on a show for all the big names to watch. You don't have to worry about anyone getting their hands on him, just me. Like I said, they'll be throwing money at him during the show."

"Fine, but do you have the right sedatives? That nuisance is very resilient to the regular stuff."

"Don't worry, I have just the thing for him. Heck, he'll get a little extra something just to make the show all that more exciting. You know we always have the goods here at the Black Market. Hell, once I have him, I'll cancel all the other attractions just to make sure he gets the spot light he needs."

Espio can feel his blood run cold from this. Whatever the two are planning, there is nothing good about it. Nothing at all.

"I'll call the detectives soon to tell them that I don't need them anymore."

"Didn't you say that they didn't have any power?"

"I paid them upfront to at least get their power back on; they can keep the loose change."

The handle to the door begins to turn. Espio quickly turns invisible as Jack hangs up the phone and hides behind more crates. Once the door opens and the crewman walks in does the chameleon exit the cargo-bay. He then jumps on the mast and into the empty crow's nest, focusing on the conversation he just heard. "I need to tell Vector, as soon as possible."

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