Chapter Two

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I stood there and watched as the girl stalked off, seeming angry for some reason. I wasn't sure what it was, but there was something about her that intrigued me. I was determined to figure her out. Meanwhile, the other girl, Elise was handing us each a packet and telling us about the operation.

"Sorry about Sophie, it's a difficult day for her. Anyways, in these packets you will find directions to your dorms in which you'll be sharing with another trainee, mostly from your group" she said, flipping to the building outline. "Biana, right?" she asked, looking her as she nodded, "Okay, I'm sorry, but you'll be sharing a dorm with Sophie".

"That's all right. Now I get to try and break through that shell of hers. You can call me B, by the way" Biana replied, grinning.

"Perfect! Now, Keefe and Fitz will share a dorm, Wylie and Tam, and Linh and Marella" Elise told us "Now go ahead and get some rest. It's a big day for you guys tomorrow!" she said, then walked off to the other side of the room by some other agents. By this time, Mr. Forkle had already left us, now we needed to go find our dorms.

I walked with Fitz through the twisting hallways looking for our room, when we passed one with the door open. I slowed down and peeked in, seeing Sophie in a tense and restless sleep. I don't know what it was, but something made me want to comfort her until she felt safe. I shook the feeling off and caught up with Fitz. When I ran up behind him, he turned around and smirked at me.

"You have a thing for her, don't you?" he said chuckling.

"I do not!" I exclaimed in protest, "there's just something different about her, that's all".

"Sure..." he eyed me skeptically. I turned away from him and started walking ahead.

"Our dorm should be right about... here" Fitz said, pointing to a large room on the left. As we walked in, I gaped at how much space there was. This organization really made sure everyone was comfortable. we quickly arranged our things around the dorm and made our way to the beds to get a good night's sleep because our first day of training was tomorrow.

"Good night" I heard Fitz mumble from the other side of the room.

"Night" I replied, drifting off into a deep sleep.

The next morning:

I woke to the sound of our alarm going off and got up to get dressed in the required black shirt and pants. I left the room without waiting for Fitz and hurried towards the training room that we had been in the day before. When I walked in, no one else was there except for Sophie, I must have been earlier than I thought.

I moved towards the rack along the far wall filled with any type of weapon imaginable, from guns and swords to bow and arrows and throwing stars. I grabbed a longer and slightly thinner sword to start with and turned around, finding that Sophie had completely ignored me this whole time.

Getting closer to her, I saw she was wearing a black tank top, and noticed things I hadn't yesterday. She had 3rd degree burn scars on her left forearm and hand, along with her right shoulder and neck. She also had many different scars scattered across her back, and that was only from what I could see, there were many more barely peeking out of her clothing.

I mean, I could've guessed that she had been here a long time, but those didn't look like fighting wounds, but either an accident that happened or purposeful. My thoughts came to stop as she turned around with a hard look on her face. She pulled out two daggers from her belt and slowly advanced towards me. I get it now, we're practicing. Then she lunged at me.

"AAAAAHHHHHH" I yelled and quickly ducked out of the way before she could cut me.

"Not bad, fast thinking" she said, charging forward to swipe at me again. This time, I was not as fast and got a small nick to the arm. We ended up in a close range fight, her daggers against my sword. I smirked at this, there was no way she could win this now.

"Don't underestimate the power of smaller weapons" Sophie told me, almost as if she had read my mind, cutting my other shoulder. It had been a little while now, and I could hear my friends filing into the room, but stopping to watch what would happen. The second I was distracted by their enter, she had me down on the floor with a dagger pressed to my neck in one quick move.

I could almost feel my friends mouths hanging open at the scene in front of them, after all, I was the best fighter of the group. Sophie got off me and walked towards Fitz and the others.

"First rule of fighting, NEVER let yourself be distracted, otherwise you're dead" she said, glaring at them "Now, everybody, find a partner and practice your skills, there will be one group of three" then she left the room in a few long strides.

Fitz claimed himself as my partner, grinning. I stared after Sophie for a few seconds before turning back to Fitz.

"Did you see all her scars? That's not normal, even for an agent".

"I'm sure it's nothing" he replied "She probably just caught in the crossfire of something bad".

"Sure..." I agreed half-heartedly, again staring at where she had left. Only time would tell, I guess. But I would make sure to figure out what happened to her, and try to help, no matter what.

A/N- 941 words!!! I did promise longer chapters, after all. Thank you to the 50+ readers on this story, it makes me so happy to know that some people like my story. I noticed that there have been no comments so far, whether on the story or in conversations, but don't be scared to ask questions about me or gives idea suggestions for the story! Again, thank you for being patient with me and my slow updating, I swear there will be more updates in a couple weeks. Anyways, I appreciate you all and look forward to writing more. -Love you all, Horsey109.

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