Chapter Four

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The silence in the limo was deafening. Nobody spoke a word to each other the whole ride to the mansion their mission was at. Keefe looked around the car studying his friends, and how each of them had a determined look on their face, ready for their first mission. He felt ready as well, comfortable after all his training. Then, his eyes flitted over Sophie, who sat isolated in the darkest corner of the limo, a cold expression on her face.

He wondered how she would pull of their assignment, since she couldn't be glaring at strangers the whole time. His gaze then moved over her outfit, which she looked beautiful in, to him. Before they had left, him, his friends, and Sophie had all changed into glamorous outfits, suitable for an elegant and rich party. He, himself was in a nice, all-black suit which fit his taste, and Biana, Linh, and Marella looked good in their dresses and jewelry as well, along with Fitz, Tam, and Wylie in their suits and tuxedos.

But Sophie, she looked absolutely stunning in her floor-length, long-sleeved (to hide her scars), wine colored dress that seemed to shimmer when it hit the light. Her hair was in a sophisticated up-do with braids crisscrossing into a bun. And, of course, the silver jewelry adoring her neck and ears, and the light make-up on her face that also covered the scars there just enhanced her beauty.

Keefe was jolted out of his thoughts as the limo came to a stop in front of large house, and they all stepped out, gawking at magnificence of it.

"All right everyone, the plan is to blend in inside the party, locate the target Fintan Pyren, and try to bring him into our custody without making to much of a scene" Sophie said, looking at them all, "Understand?". Everyone nodded in confirmation, "Okay, let's go" she said, and led them through the massive doors.

Once everyone was inside the building, they all went their separate ways, trying to act inconspicuous. Keefe moved over to the food and drinks table, smirking as he surveyed the spread. He picked up a cookie and turned around to find Sophie flirtingly talking with who appeared to be the target. She set her glass of champagne down on the tray of the waiter next to her and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor.

Keefe looked down to see the cookie crushed in his hand. He brushed them off and watched as the pair gracefully moved and twirled across the floor. He wasn't sure why it bothered him so much, seeing her dancing with someone else, but he didn't have time to figure it out as Biana had come up to him.

"Keefe, come with me outside. Linh, Fitz, and Wylie are already there" she said.

"What? Why?" he asked.

"Linh smelled something weird out there, and she thinks it's dangerous, but we can't figure out what is or find the source of it, so we need your help" Biana replied. Keefe nodded and followed her out. Little did he know, that as Sophie and Fintan were dancing, Mr. Pyren had a small knife from the sleeve of his suit coat pressed against her back.

Keefe followed Biana to where the others were and starting searching with them. Then, suddenly, he heard a menacing laugh coming from the other direction, hidden in a large patch of shadows. They all turned around, looking for the source of the voice.

Another laugh, "I suggest you all stop moving unless you want me to kill this pretty little face I have here" he said, stepping into the light, with Sophie in front of him and a knife to her throat. Keefe's heart must have stopped beating when he saw how close she was to death.

"What do you want?" Keefe asked, swallowing thickly.

"You see, I already have what I came here for, so now my only problem is leaving" he said, smiling wildly, "Now, I have no doubt of your abilities to stop me, which is why I'm here to bargain. You let me go, and you can have your little friend back".

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