4.7- The Secret this Year-

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There was a definite end-of-the-holidays gloom in the air when Celeste awoke the morning of the first day of school

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There was a definite end-of-the-holidays gloom in the air when Celeste awoke the morning of the first day of school. Heavy rain was still splattering against the window as she got dressed in jeans and a sweat- shirt; she would change into their school robes on the Hogwarts Express.

She would meet the others at the Hogwarts Express. She headed down the stairs of the Solatto mansion. As she walked into the kitchen she was greeted by her parents and her Godfather. She wasn't in the mood for small talk so she nodded and went for the coffee.

"Well good morning to you too tiny." Remus playfully said to his goddaughter who was scowling at her coffee like it had offended her.

"What the coffee do this time." Sirius sighed with a smirk.

"Nothing," Celeste grumbled glaring at it, "just looked at me the wrong way."

"You're coffee looked at you the wrong way?" Rose said.

"Yes," Celeste huffed, "it knows what it's doing. At least it'll suffer as I swallow it down."

Sirius and Remus huffed out laughs while Rose looked at her daughter like she was crazy.

"Okay darling," she chuckled, "whatever you say."

As they ate breakfast they chatted about the year ahead. Sirius still focusing his attention towards Harry. Which not only did Celeste notice but Remus as well, who was looking at Sirius with a slight twitch in his eye.

When it was time to go Rose and Remus fought with Sirius about staying at home, which he put up a good fight for, but was soon shut down by a glare by Rose.

The journey to Kings Cross station was made by chatting and Remus and Celeste's bad singing to queen, abba and David Bowie. She laughed and danced with Remus as rose drive with a smile.

They were very relieved to get out at King's Cross, even though the rain was coming down harder than ever, and they got soaked carrying their trunks across the busy road and into the station.

Celeste was used to getting onto platform nine and three-quarters by now. It was a simple matter of walking straight through the apparently solid barrier dividing platforms nine and ten.

The only tricky part was doing this in an unobtrusive way, so as to avoid attracting Muggle attention. They leaned casually against the barrier, chatting unconcernedly, and slid sideways through it , and as they did so, platform nine and three-quarters materialized in front of them.

The Hogwarts Express, a gleaming scarlet steam engine, was
already there, clouds of steam billowing from it, through which the many Hogwarts students and parents on the platform appeared like dark ghosts.

Celeste could here Ron's owl, and turned to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione setting off to find seats them seats on the train, and were soon stowing their luggage in a compartment halfway along the train.

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