3.8- Missing Fathers and Christmas Gifts-

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The next day Celeste went down to breakfast with Ron. Hermione waited for Harry. Apparently Ron is ignoring Harry for how he treated Celeste, so Hermione decided she'd stay with Harry while Ron will stay with Celeste.

The two were laughing because they just saw two first years share an awkward hug. It was the most awkward thing the two have ever witnessed. Celeste began laughing while Ron was trying to hold it in.

She looked past the two first years to see a cringing Cedric and Walker. The sight made her laugh even harder. Cedric locked eyes with her and began to laugh as well. He walked over to where the two were standing.

"Hey Cel," He smiled.

"Cedric." She greeted with a giggle.

"That was a lovely thing to see before breakfast wasn't it." He smiled and she burst into another fit of giggles. He laughed at the sight and then turned to look at Ron who was grinning at Celeste. Cedric held out his hand towards him, "Cedric." He smiled.

Ron turned to look at him, "Ron." He looked at him skeptically, but still smiled none the less.

"Fred and George's brother, right?" He asked and Ron's smile dropped a bit, he nodded. "Hope you like me a lot more than they do." He laughed with a grimace as he remembered all the pranks they've pulled on him recently.

"Hmm," Ron hummed, "We'll see." He gave a slight smirk. He gestured toward Celeste, who was talking to Walker, basically saying it depends on how Cedric treats her. "Hurt her, and I'll be a lot worse than Fred and George." He smiled with gritted teeth.

Cedric smiled at him, he then looked over at Celeste and smiled at her fondly,"Don't worry," He looked back at Ron, "I won't."

Ron nodded and put an arm around Celeste, "Come on Leste, we have to get breakfast."

"Ron you fat pig, I'm not done talking." She said laughing.

Ron gasped and put the hand the that wasn't around her on his heart. "Oh Celeste you wound me." The two Hufflepuffs just watched in amusement.

"Oh my darling ronniekins." Celeste gasped, putting a hand on his arm, "I am so sorry, please forgive me." She pouted.

"Anything for you my lady Leste." Ron bowed and then put his arm around her bringing her to the great hall.

"Bye Ced, Walker." Celeste said at the same time Ron said "Toodles boys!" In a high pitched girly voice making the two Puffs and Celeste laugh. She whacked him in the gut making him bend over a bit. But they continued to walk.

When they walked into the Great Hall they saw Hermione and Harry. Holding their heads high they walked straight passed the duo and sat next to the twins and Tommy.

They asked why they weren't sitting with Harry and Hermione. Ron told Tommy what happened and to say he was livid was an understatement.

The twins were trying to get the information out of Celeste about how she knew about the map. "Come on Leste." Fred whined.

"Tell us." George said in the same whiny voice.

"I'm sorry boys," She smirked before taking a drink, "I'm sworn to secrecy."

"By who?" Fred huffed.

"Your mum." She quipped. And Ron choked on his drink and began to laugh. Fred just glared at her playfully, while Tommy was laughing.

Celeste caught eyes with Remus when she looked around the Hall. He gave her a questioning look, glancing over at Harry and Hermione, then back to her. She just shrugged and leaned her head on Ron's shoulder. He leaned his on top of hers as the two were very tired as per usual.

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