3.11-How very like your fathers you are-

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Remus Lupin was sleeping in his bed chambers when a frantic Knocking began on his door. He woke up and rushed over to see who it was. It was McGonagall with a trembling Celeste under her arm, which was wrapped around the young girls shoulder.

"Remus," McGonagall said, bringing his attention from his Goddaughter, "She needs you."

Remus nodded and grabbed Celeste pulling the shaken girl into his arms. He turned back to McGonagall with a questioning look.

"He got into the Gryffindor common room," She sighed and Remus' eyes widened, "Harry's dorm, and was apparently standing over Ronald Weasley's bed with a knife." She whispered as Celeste squeezed her eyes shut and pushed her face into Remus' stomach, too small to reach his chest.

Tbf mans is like 7ft tall or some shit

"I'm going to head to bed," She whispered to Remus and glanced worriedly at Celeste, "Do look after her, it must be very tough to hear that news." She said before turning to go to bed.

Remus shut the door to his chambers and brought Celeste in to sit on the couch with him. They sat in silence for a few minutes. Celeste was still shaking. She couldn't believe he was going to kill her best friend. Ron must be terrified. She felt so stupid for being upset, if anyone should be it's Ron, right?

"Tiny," Remus' voice brought her out of her thoughts. She looked up and met his gaze, "Are you all right?" He asked concerned.

She nodded her head, but the tears that began to fill her eyes said another thing. He gave her a look as to say he didn't believe her, so she shook her head and burst into a fit of tears.

"Oh darling come hear," He opened his arms and she hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her and began to rub circles on her back as she cried into his chest.

"I shouldn't even be crying." She mumbled after a while. "I wasn't the one who saw him standing over their bed with a knife."

"Stop that Celeste." He scolded. She knew he was serious as he said her name and not Tiny. "Of course you should be upset, you just heard your father was standing over Ron's bed with a knife."

"But he's my father Moony," She said as tears rolled down her face, "And- and he was going to kill Ron. Let's not forget the part where I believed he was innocent. Merlin I was so fucking stupid."

"Oi," Remus stopped her rambling, "You're not 'fucking stupid', watch your language by the way, you're amazing Tiny, with a heart of gold. You may show sympathy to people who probably don't deserve it but that's what makes you, you." He said as he wiped the tears from under her eyes.

"Thanks Moony," She said, slightly confused if he was complementing her or calling her naive in a weird and subtle way, "I think?"

He laughed at her. He then picked her up and brought her too his bed so she can sleep. He kissed her head and tucked her in. He was about to walk away when her hand reached out and grabbed his wrists.

"Tell me a good story about him?" She asked. He sighed before turning to look back at her. She had her pout out and her puppy dog eyes in tact. Thank Merlin Hermione wasn't here or she'd have a fit at him giving in.

He nodded and laid on top of the sheets next to her and began telling her a story about....

Flashback Hogwarts in the 70s, 5th year for The Marauders.

A young Sirius Black and his friends, James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew were all currently heading to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Come on Moony," Sirius whined, "Pleasee.."

Anchor~ Harry James PotterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu