4.1 -The Burrow and Reunions-

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The mood in the Solatto house was a bit mixed feelings the day before Celeste had to leave for the burrow. Sirius had been cleared of all charges since his trial at the ministry. But on the other hand Peter had managed to escape a few days prior to his clearing, leaving him to still be in hiding from the public.

Sirius, although happy to be free of all charges, was angry that he couldn't go out until they found peter. No one understood why he had to still hide. The minister had said that they needed to capture Peter first so that they had "proof" Sirius was in fact not the murderer everyone believed he was.

Celeste didn't understand, no one did. But it wasn't as though Sirius could go against the ministers orders, everyone still believed he was on the run. Which left him no choice but to stay inside.

They all knew the minister wasn't going to announce his innocence because he had something against Sirius. Hatred burned into his eyes when the veritasium that Sirius took in his trial proved his innocence. Him being innocent made the ministry look bad.

And fudge didn't want that. So Sirius in the eyes of thee public, is still a mass murderer.

Although Celeste was packing her bag and excited for the World Cup and to see Harry and Hermione. She felt something was wrong. It was as though, something was coming, but she didn't know what. She knew it had to do with Harry in some weird way, she couldn't explain it.

As she was getting ready for bed a light knock on the door made her turn around. Sirius and Rose were standing at her door with slight smiles on their faces.

"We wanted to say goodnight." Sirius smiled as he walked over, "and to ask if you were excited." Rose said as she wrapped an arm around Sirius.

"Of course I am." Celeste smiled brightly at her parents, "it's the fucking quidditch World Cup." The curse word slipped from her mouth.

"Oi." Sirius and Rose scolded and Celeste smiled sheepishly.

"Blame Moony for that." Celeste shrugged innocently and Sirius snorted.

Rose turned to him and raised her eyebrows and he shut his mouth completely. It was now Celeste's turn to snort but by the look on Rose's face she shut up quickly.

"Anyways," Sirius gulped, "when you see Harry tomorrow make sure to tell him that his God father misses him. And that I'll write back to his letter soon. And that I promise when I'm freed from being a supposed murderer I'll take him out for quidditch. And that-"

"Okay Siri," Rose said as she saw the confused look in Celestes face, "let's leave her go to bed."

"Wait you've been writing to Harry all summer?" Celeste asked confused.

"Well of course I have," Sirius smiled brightly, "He's my Godson and I finally get to take care of him, like a Godfather should."

"Oh right yes of course." Celeste smiled at him and Sirius brought her in for a hug.

What Celeste won't admit to anyone, she wished she knew Sirius was writing to him. Harry didn't even tell her that he was writing to her father all summer. None of his letters said that.

She wished Sirius had told her at least. Shouldn't she know this stuff? She was being over dramatic, Harry needed someone to talk to privately. And if it had to be her father, she'd be okay by it.

"Goodnight Pads." Celeste smiled into the hug.

"Goodnight Mini Me." He kissed her head.

"Goodnight Darling." Rose smiled as she hugged her daughter.

"Goodnight Mum." She smiled.

Sirius felt a pang in his heart when Celeste called Rose mum. Why couldn't she call him dad yet? Maybe she wasn't ready to. It took time he guessed.

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