3.1. The Leaky Cauldren

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"Celeste!" That was the sound of Celeste Salotto's mother calling her to wake up. For the tenth time might I add. See, Celeste isn't a morning person, and anyone who knows her well, knows this.

"Fine, fine!" She groans. Pulling her purple colored duvet off her, she sits up, staring at the blank wall, basically thinking about life. After about another ten minutes her mother comes in to see what's taking so long. Looking at her daughter who is staring blankly at the wall she rolls her eyes in amusement.

"Celeste," She calls out again. Gaining the attention of her daughter, "You need to get ready love, you have to go to the leaky cauldron to meet the Weasleys."

That last sentence caused Celeste to smile brightly at her mother. Not just because of the Weasleys, but because she'll see Harry and Hermione as well. Her best friends. They have been through so much together.

With Harry, Ron, Hermione and Celeste taking out Voldemort from the back of their Defense Against the Dark Arts' head in first year, with Celeste having to deal with the magical creature hey fame across as she absolutely idolizes Newt Scamander. The animal being a Demiguise, which Celeste had to catch by doing something unpredictable. Let's just say Harry still laughs at the dance and song she had to do for the Demiguise to not turn invisible and give them the key.

The Demiguise seemed to take a liking to Celeste as well. Which was very uncommon as they usually stick to themselves and run away. She sat and just chatted with the Demiguise while waiting for Harry to be done with Voldy as she liked to call him. Although the Demiguise she named Griffin couldn't reply, it still sat there, snuggled next to her, just looking and what Celeste believed it to be "listening intently" as she talked. She was sad to say goodbye to her Griffin friend.

The next year, Herself and Harry took on Tom Riddle and a Basilisk. Which Celeste was able to tell Harry what to do and what not to do. She told him not to look in it's eyes, and I quote 'run'. The 'run' part earned her a glare from Harry, as she smiled sheepishly.

Tom Riddle had possessed and kidnapped little Ginny Weasley. The girl had been writing in a journal that she found and little did she now that it was a young Voldemort replying.

They were lucky that 'Fawkes' Dumbledore's pet Phoenix, flew in to save her and Harry. Giving them the sorting hat which had the sword of gryffindor in it. Celeste pulled out the sword and slid it to Harry. He in which sliced the basilisk but earned a slice in the arm back from its tooth.

Celeste panicked but grabbed the basilisks tooth and destroyed the journal. Running to Harry she sat down next to him. She was distraught at the thought of losing him, her best friend. But lucky for them Fawkes let a tear of his fix Harry right up and the two helped Ginny out. That's why she calls him Doctor Fawkes, which amuses Dumbledore.

That was traumatic for Celeste. So this year she prayed it would be normal. Just pranking with the twins, playing quidditch with Harry, having her chats with Ron and gossiping and chatting with Hermione.

But Celeste is also friends with others in her school. Especially one of her bestest friend in the whole world, Thomas 'Tommy' Langston. He's a year ahead of her but they just clicked instantly when they met.

She was running down the corridor trying not to be late for potions, cause Snape hates her. He was running down another corridor trying not to be late for transfiguration. When they both took a turn into each other's corridor they smashed into one another.

Let's just say that bruised.

They both began to laugh and blame each other for the accident jokingly. But then they introduced themselves and ever since then they've been best friends. Tommy is also a gryffindor so they see each other all the time despite being in different years.

Anchor~ Harry James PotterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang