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"You give me the kind of feelings people write novels about." -Unknown

"So, Sanha started working together with you at the library? What a coincidence huh?" Daehwi said while we were sitting at the cafe. What I meant by 'we' is me, Daehwi, Sanha and the rest of the group: Hyunjin and Bomin.

"Yes, we were also shook, Dae Dae. It's a really nice coincidence." I said smiling. "Yeah anyways, I still wanna introduce you to my friends!! So guys, this is my bestttttttt friend Sominnieeeee! She's so cute, isn't she???" Daehwi said pinching my cheeks. "Hey, stop it before I kill you." I gave a death glare at him. And he giggled at this. I met Hyunjin and Bomin too. They seemed so funny. We talked a lot and seriously talking to them was so fun. I could understand why Daehwi was friends with them, especially Sanha... I got the chance to watch him a little more and the way he laughs, the way he talks, the way he looks at me... I think I'm falling in love with him...


I am in love with Somin... Like I really love her so much. Not only as a best friend, but also romantically... I laid my eyes on her the moment I saw her. When we were at high school, no one wanted to hang out with her because she was a nerd. She liked studying so much. But I found it so cute. She was really cute. Actually, no one was going to her because she was always zoning out, always in her own world. And she clearly didn't want anyone else in that world. So it took me a while to become friends with her. She was literally not caring about anyone at all. All she cared about was her books and languages. But I won the game in the end💅

One day, I wanted to hang out with her after the school so when she was walking down the street, i ran towards her. I had to run cuz she was walking really fast💀 and when I asked her about it, her answer was a clear "NO". But I didn't give up. I decided to follow her to her house so I could maybe convince her parents. I know it was a silly plan but I was in love. Well, I still am by the way🤓

So yeah i was following her from a distance. And just at that time, a car approached her and the people in it didn't seem friendly. Somin didn't care about them but when they tried to harras her, I ran there without thinking twice. I hit them with a log I found on the road and held her hand and we started to run together. After a while, they disappeared and we stopped. And she looked at me with those eyes...And I knew I won the game at that time. So we've been friends since then. But I never had the chance to tell my feelings for her. Because I really tried so hard to be friends with her and I just can't lose her if she doesn't like me in the same way. I don't wanna lose this friendship. I don't want Somin to have a boyfriend either. If she got one, she might lose her interest in me. She isn't the type to have a boyfriend either because she is in love with her books and languages. And you know, that works for me😗😏😌 But tonight, when I saw her getting outta Sanha's car, I just couldn't believe my eyes. I mean yeah I wanted them to get to know each other because he was my bro. But...what the hell was going on?!?!?

When she explained us that they were working together, i had another shock. But the thing is that she never lets me get her by my car but she did let Sanha! Incredible, seriously! Furthermore, I saw the way Sanha looked at her. That's it. I can't let him take my girl from me. I won't! She's mine, mine!


I don't know why but Daehwi was being so lovey dovey with me suddenly. I mean he knows I don't like such things but he still continued. And I didn't want to fight with him in front of his friends. When he looked at me, i gave him a 'you'll see later👊🥰' look. And he just smiled at me. That little weirdo...

After a while, Bomin and Hyunjin had to leave because of some personal reasons... So it was me, Daehwi and Sanha...

"So shall we also go Somin?" Daehwi asked looking at me. "Yeah sure."I answered. "Sanha, thanks for the ride by the way. And it was very nice to meet you." I smiled. "The pleasure is mine. So you'll go with Daehwi?" He asked. "She's coming to my place tonight. So of course, she's coming with me.." Daehwi answered drinking his milkshake. Why was he doing that? Anyway, I'll kill him there yes! "Oh, I see. See you tomorrow then Somin." He said and hit the rock with Daehwi and left. I mean......................DAEWHI YOU'RE DEAD!

When we reached to Daehwi's place, he immediately went to the living room and started watching TV. Was he kidding me? "Okay, if you ever dare to be sticky with me in front of your friends, I'll punch you so hard Daehwi! That was so embarrassing oh Gosh!" I shouted at him while sitting on the couch. "Somin, do you have feelings for Sanha?" He asked after a death silence. "WHAT- NO! How can you ask something like that? We just met today and and it was just a coincidence that we are working together. How come you got this idea? Shut up and just bring me popcorn." He's incredible. How could he understand that? Oh yeah, he knows me too well damn. But I can't let him figure it out. Cuz I am aware of his feelings toward me. But I don't see him in the same way. And I don't wanna lose my- my only friend because of that...

The next morning, I woke up very early because I wanted to look umm- beautiful. And at Daehwi's place, I didn't have pretty outfits. That's why I left the house so early. I would call Daehwi when he wakes up and make an excuse about that. Cuz he doesn't like waking up early at all! And then I went to the house and chose a pretty outfit and went to work...

I really didn't know i would be so excited to see Sanha but well...It was pretty obvious, wasn't it? Anyway, so when I went to my table, he wasn't there. I looked at the time and it was already 8. Ah maybe he was in a room looking at the books or something. So I went to look for him. I looked at every room but he wasn't in any of them. Just then I saw him coming in from the exit. I mean he was really late!?!?! I roamed around in vain? Woah no one should know about this. And just at that time, Mrs. Kim also appeared. "You two! Why are you late to work? There are many people who are waiting for you. Am I a joke to you? " She said furiously. "But Mrs. Kim-" and then I stopped. If she learnt i came here early, she would ask where I was. No i couldn't risk it. "No buts young lady. Both of you right to your work and that unorganized room is in your responsibility today." She pointed that old, scary, messy room that I never wanted to see. Was that a nightmare?

When we went to organize that room with Sanha, i couldn't keep it inside. "Why did you come late?" He looked at me and asked the same question... Goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "Ah seriously!!" Okay I was calm hmmm. I was cleaning the top shelves. "Why library tho?" I asked after a while. " I mean you don't seem you're into such stuff that much." I made my question clear. "Let's just say I found the beauty of them newly." He looked at me and that look oh my god stop it Sanha. I wasn't feeling well. And no no no no that wasn't happening no oh- my foot slipped again and BOOM!  I- I- I- fell I- fell on Sanha this time- oh god...

"Do you have to be so clumsy all the time?" Sanha asked while I was still on him. It was more like a whisper though. Our faces were so close, he was holding my waist with both hands tightly. I could feel his warm breath. I could smell his intoxicating scent and I could see his beautiful face much closer. I thought I was in heaven. I was about to pass out. His beautiful eyes, little ears, perfect forehead... I was falling for every piece of him much more. And those lips?????? He got the most beautiful and attractive lips in the whole world. Was he even aware of that? Oh my god, what was I thinking? Pull yourself together Somin. Yes yes you should! "Well- a-are you okay?" I asked as soon as I got rid of my adoration thoughts. But then, i heard someone calling my name. "SOMIN!" I turned to look at where the voice came from. Oh no...DAEWHI?

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