An Intimate Encounter

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"If your vision which was quite blurry, starts to get clearer all the time, how could I forget you?" -Yoon Sanha


6 months... Yeah it's been 6 months since I left Korea, my home, my friends, and...Somin... I haven't got any news about her ever since. I thought leaving was the best choice, but these 6 months have passed like hell without her. I shouldn't have been too addicted to her because I didn't even know her too well, but somehow, it felt like she was always with me, and my heart knew her for long ago. I kept seeing her everywhere. When I closed my eyes, when I had food, when I woke up... She literally monopolized all my thoughts.

I keep telling myself that she's not the one, I shouldn't get hopes but my heart doesn't listen to me at all. I accept it. I am still so in love with her even after 6 months. I still remember every moment we spent together very clearly. Her clumsiness...her smiles...her love for books...the day we met...the day I left her...and our kiss... Oh the things I'd do to be able to kiss her again...

I was busy with my deep thoughts like these about Somin while looking out the window of my apartment. It had a very beautiful scenery. I was watching people trying to reach their destination, questioning where mine was. Did I really have one? What if it was next to Somin? What if our ways intersected one day, again? Then, what would I say to her? What would my first action be? Why was I pondering so much anyway?

And then my phone ringed, making me jump out of my thoughts. It was my hyung. I wondered what could possibly happened to make him call me in this early morning, so I picked up immediately. "Yes, Hyung?" I asked. "Sanha-ya, I have a very good news. I'm getting married!!!" His voice was too loud that I had to keep the phone away from my ear for a second. "Wait- Are you serious?!?!?!? Omg finally Hyung!!!!" I chirped accompanying his happiness. "Yes, it's this Saturday. And you're coming here immediately." He ordered. "This Saturday? Why-" "You're coming Sanha! Period!" And he hung up. Woah, I didn't know what to do. Going back to Korea? And for a few days? Since today was only Monday..? Gosh, that was unexpected. But I was happy for my hyung. So I had to go...

I packed my things and went to the airport. I didn't get everything since I had no reason to stay there. I was just going there for a few days anyway. Yes, I had a reason indeed, but it was too unrealistic that I didn't even dare to think about it. With a blank mind, I got on the plane and my new journey started. No matter how much I denied the fact that I was going there only for the wedding, I couldn't stop thinking about the possibility that I could see her again. She was always there, in my mind, and in my heart... It was painful at some points. But there was nothing that I could do. Or I was just- scared...

After a while, I arrived in my country. I took a cab and made my way home. It felt nice to see around. I noticed how much I missed my country and it made me so emotional. I missed my family. And I missed Somin. And suddenly, I wanted them back in my life.

When I reached home, my family greeted me lovingly. We talked and had so much fun. It felt so nice being together after all those months. After a while, the door knocked. I ran to the door and opened it happily. But then my smile faded after seeing that the person was standing in front of me was Daehwi...

Well, Daehwi wasn't even the last person I wanted to see at that time but there he was... Just as I was gonna speak, my mum approached me. "Oh Daehwi, you came! Where is Hyunjin and Bomin?" She asked. "Yes, ma'am. They said they they'd come soon. I couldn't wait so I came immediately." Daehwi explained. Uh please... "Sanha I called your friends since you might've missed them a lot. Have fun." She gave a peck on my head and left us. I closed the door and dragged him somewhere far away from my house. "What do you want? Why did you come here? We're not friends anymore. Look I really don't-" "Sanha, please forgive me." He said sheepishly. "What?" "Please forgive me. I know I ruined our friendship. I know I did bad things. But I was blinded by love back then. I couldn't see anything or didn't care about anyone. I couldn't realise how I was destroying everything. I'm sorry Sanha. I'm really so sorry." He said. I tried to find any expression that he lied to me but I don't know, he looked sincere. But I shouldn't fall into his trap. Like what if it was a trap yes! "What might've happened that made you change your mind? Why would I believe you?" I asked coldly. "The problem is Somin. She's gone mad. She's not been okay ever since you left her. I tried to confess my feelings to her but whenever I tried to, she was finding a way to escape and one day I saw your name in one of her books. She was thinking about you while reading them. And then I understood that she didn't love me in that way. She loves you Sanha. And I don't wanna lose my best friend like this. She's not okay even though it's been months. Look, I won't interfere anything between you. Just bring Somin back into life Sanha. I'm begging you." His eyes were teary. And I understood that he was telling the truth. "Somin? What kinda madness are we talking about?" I asked. "She's just not in her senses sometimes. She takes her books and locks herself into the room. And she never ever ever comes out of there for hours, not even for meals until she finishes reading all of them. She never answers to my questions or calls. I wonder if she harms herself or not all the time. So it's kinda scary. She never did that before. And when I try to talk to her, it's only either ten minutes or never. Ah and yes, she resigned from the library and we bought a bookstore and she's been running there for a while. I thought that would make her happy -she's happy- but only with her books, not with me. She doesn't spend time with me as she used to. Please help me Sanha. I want her to be a normal crazy person, not this crazy..." He said it all in one breath. And at that time, it seemed like my destiny was calling me. So I went for it. "Give me the address of this bookstore."

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