A Valediction

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"If I had a flower every time I thought of you, I could walk through my garden forever"- Alfred Tennyson

Forget-me-not flowers? Why them? Will Sanha leave me or something? Okay, I've recently met him but it was love at first sight... At least for me... I don't want to lose him. I am sure that he is the one. But I didn't know the meaning of the flowers and I had a very bad feeling...

I grabbed my phone to search for the very meaning of the flowers. I was praying that it didn't mean something bad. Well, it's not like I was fond of believing dreams stuff but that one was important because it was about me and Sanha. So I just had to figure out if there was something between me and Sanha even if it was just a dream... I was that much desperate for this guy... And when I looked at the meaning of them,  I started reading it out loud so that I could be sure of what I was seeing. "IF SOMEONE GIVES YOU "FORGET-ME-NOT" FLOWERS IN YOUR DREAM, THAT MEANS TRUE LOVE!" WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT! I was burying my head on the pillow while kicking the blanket. Was that real? TRUE LOVE, TRUE LOVE, TRUE LOVE! ME AND SANHA FGDSJHFDKLSJFHKDSJFGSDFKG

I immediately dressed up and went to the library. I was so excited to see him. He was my true love. I knew that he was. As I was walking toward the Lending & Borrowing Room, I saw him sitting at the table, busy with working. Gosh..He looked so charming. My legs were trembling when he looked at me. I just waved him with a big smile, trying to hold myself back from screaming. When I entered the room, I silently sat at my place. I was late only for like five minutes because I was daydreaming during the whole way, but there were already lots of people there. Was that because of him..? He was handsome, lovely, and had cool glasses...He was just so perfect. I guess these reasons were enough...

After working for hours, it was finally break time. I got a message from Daehwi when Sanha came and said: "Are we going to that cafe? There is something I gotta tell you." Oh my god, what was he gonna say, a love confession, a date proposal? But Dae Dae was coming, right... "Well, can you say it here? I just got a text from Daehwi. He came across my favourite ice cream shop and couldn't stop himself buying some sooo he's coming here."  I explained. And I could sense that his face faded in seconds after I said that. He sighed before talking. "Somin, I am leaving." He was leaving? What? "Leaving? Where? What do you mean?"  "I am going to Japan, permanently... Look, Mrs. Kim is actually my aunt and she wanted me to come and work here until she finds a new personnel. So she found that person and it's my time to leave. I am so sorry. I know I should've said this earlier but you probably noticed that  I wasn't good enough for this place. You belong here Somin. But I don't..." He couldn't talk more.

I was about to cry at that moment. I didn't want to believe the things I heard. All my dreams, all my thoughts, all my emotions... None of them meant anything..? I guess I was just being too delusional for this cruel world, that's all. Forget-me-not flowers...they were a big NOTHING. Believing a dream that wasn't so realistic was totally foolish. I was a big fool...

"When are you leaving?" I asked him with a cold voice. "In a few hours." He replied. "Look Somin, I don't want you to remember me like this... Can we still stay friends?" He stretched out his hand sheepishly. I didn't even know if I should hold it or not. But just as I intended to hold his hand, someone bumped into me and it was more like a push but suddenly, I found myself in Sanha's embrace...

Since I was shorter than him, my head was resting against his well-built chest and I could feel his fast heartbeat. That was probably because of the sudden movement but I just hoped that it was pounding for me... But still who am I kidding? It was all a fairy tale. My prince was leaving this land without me. And I wouldn't be able to see him again. Maybe in my dreams, he could come and take me with him. But this is real life. Cinderella never forgot one of her shoes. Snow White never ate the poisonous apple. Belle never went to the Beast's castle. They never fell in love with each other. And the story of Somin & Sanha was ending without having even started...

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