2| Interesting Feelings

Start from the beginning

"Karyn," he said, and she noticed Zack look away from his phone. For a second, their eyes met before she set hers on Luke.

"Hey," she replied as his charming smile, trimmed golden hair, and hazel eyes that had her swooning inside claimed her attention.

There were two reasons she didn't want to acknowledge or address her feelings for Luke. One, she didn't want SAC members to find out. Ever since he had contested for SAC President, his value in the eyes of SAC members plunged. Running for a post that you would not get. Ridiculous.

She tried not to let what people think of her be important, but in the end, she was only a high schooler. Such things were the bane of their high school experience. Holding other people's opinions in high esteem, even when they shouldn't.

The second was the bigger reason. She feared rejection.

She was bold enough to contest for SAC-VP and win. She could stand up against bullies and teachers when they were in the wrong, but couldn't summon the courage to express her more-than-platonic feelings to her friend.

"You dropped this," he said, and she blinked before she looked down at his hands that held a paper.

"Oh, thanks."

As she took it from Luke, he turned around and saw Zack, who had been watching them.

"New student?" he said as he twisted back to her.

"Oh, yeah."

For a moment she had forgotten about Zack. She waved Zack over and introduced them. "Luke, this is Zack. Zack, this is Luke, my longest friend, after Elowen."

"Just friend," he said with a teasing smile.

She let out a nervous chuckle, which she covered by clearing her throat before she said, "You know Elowen would skin me alive if I called anyone that wasn't her, my best friend."

"Yeah, she most likely would."

"We're having lunch. Would you like to come or do you have something to do at the library instead?"

"I'm having lunch with Maria," he said, and her brows came together in utter confusion.

"Since when did you start dining with the devil?" she asked with a teasing smirk.

"Since we started getting close," he mumbled, with one hand on the back of his neck. An act he did when he was shy or closed off about something. The former, she'd noticed over the years, would come with a faint blush on his cheeks. One she could see creeping up his cheeks now.

Her smirk dropped. "Close as in..."

"As in close," he said vaguely, and her eyebrows scrunched further before they raised in realization.

"Wait, are you guys dating?" she whispered.

Luke cast a wary glance at Zack, who shifted some steps away.

"No, not yet, I mean."

"Oh," was all she could say.

After Luke headed off, she walked with Zack beside her, and the chatter of students only grew as they neared the cafeteria. Her phone buzzed, and she checked to see a message from Elowen.

"Your ex?" Zack asked.


"Luke. Is he your ex?"

"What?" she shrieked before she cleared her throat. "No, we're good friends." Even after all the years, it still pinched her heart every time she uttered it. She ignored the all too familiar ache and asked, "Why do you say so?"

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