Chapter 71: You Will Be Found...

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Well, maybe that wasn't entirely true. Many people had noted how Alex looked just like he would be Gible's trainer. He appreciated the compliment, but always dismissed it with 'Gible's not mine, it wouldn't fit in with me.' Gible took offence to that for a while, every time that someone suggested Gible should be his. But, Alex dismissed it just as Gible being impatient and antsy to find its trainer.

But, as lunchtime passed over, fatigue and hunger began to seep in for the both of them. Alex's stomach had grumbled one too many times and he was ready for some food at long last. Maybe he could even find some people in the Food Court who may recognise if Gible had a previous trainer. So, off Alex and Gible went, Gible sat in the top hole of Alex's trophy. This saved him from having to carry both Gible and the trophy, so he was more than happy for Gible to take rest atop the trophy. Instantly, as the food court doors opened, they were smacked with a million different scents, the clashing colours and flavours meeting Alex's nostrils. It was like being hit with sensory overload at first, but Alex and Gible got used to it as they wandered further in. They looked around, taking in their surroundings. Now that the lunch rush was over, the queues had died down significantly, sometimes to the point of non-existence. But, there were so many choices of what to pick.

To one side, there were some curry vendors in a small stall, not quite as big as the other shops. Yet, their small stall seemed to be proving most popular. Maybe it was the fact that they were brand new, were from a different country or culture, or perhaps it was just the smell of the curry being delightful, spreading through the whole court. But, Alex had never been one for spicy food. Not without at least 5 jugs of water or milk to attempt to make it go away. So, he stayed clear of that stall.

In another direction, a pastry company with many fun, confectionary treats put on display through a glass case. Their speciality was traditionally made Pokepuffs, made and baked just like the greatest in Kalos. Pokepuffs weren't the only thing that was there, however. They had many Pokemon-based snacks. Torchic, Mudkip, Treecko, Groudon, Kyogre, Pikachu, Charizard, there were oodles of options. Although the treats looked amazing, both Gible and Alex wouldn't be able to survive on just sugary treats. So, Alex moved on to the next store.

Another was a sandwich store, selling customised sandwiches. Everything could be tailored to your liking, with an incredible display of options on how many different combos. And, the sizes of the sandwiches were utterly massive, it could probably feed both Gible and Alex with one sandwich. Alex looked at it with awe, but seeing just how many options made Alex anxious. He tried to battle it, telling himself it was stupid. But, he ultimately ended up moving on to the next option.

The big name. Right, smack in the centre. Even without the insane people from the lunch rush, it still had a line. It was what the Mauville Food Court was known for. The Mauville Ramen Bowl. A giant bowl of noodles, eggs, and meat, all cooked in a delicious broth that makes your mouth water at even the thought of it. Just looking at the pictures of it, Alex was dazzled. And, as people came around, holding giant bowls of the stuff, Alex knew he had to get one immediately. Gible almost jumped onto another customer for the ramen, so they were both of the same minds. They just had to wait. And, their wait would be rewarded. With the stacks of money, Alex comfortably afforded to buy the bowl. And, when he was handed it, his eyes lit up like a bonfire. As the chef handed him the bowl, he smiled and said,

"I always love it when customers lay their eyes on it for the first time. Hope you enjoy!"

"Thank you!", Alex chirped as he and Gible both walked to the table. Alex almost dropped the bowl multiple times as he struggled to carry 3 things with two hands. But, he handled it. Barely.

"I should've put this trophy away a while ago.", Alex thought as he set it on the ground beside his table, with Gible hopping out and onto the opposite seat to Alex. Alex plopped the gigantic bowl down and the table wobbled with the weight placed down. Gible and Alex immediately dug in, Alex employing the use of chopsticks while Gible went at it with its biting jaws. Typically, this was a meal meant for four. But, one ravenous teenager and a hungry shark were more than enough to polish off the meal cleanly, with even some room to spare for dessert. Gible looked stuffed, letting out a burp of dragon breath, but its eyes wandered over to the pastry shop as soon as it was done. Alex smiled and said,

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