In seconds, Milan went from on the verge of weeping to standing up as straight as a soldier.
The room went completely quiet as the door near the judge's desk opened and outstepped the infamous Diana Cortez. 

She was a short woman, the color of a perfectly browned creme brûlée. Her long black robe lightly dusted the ground as she walked up the short steps to the ominous judge's desk. There was a slight click when she walked so Milan knew she was wearing heels.


Judge Cortez seated herself quickly, grabbing her gavel and righting it. Diana wore very stylish cherry red glasses that sat high on her prominent nose. The color of her lips matched her glasses. Her hair was a cut at her shoulders, bone straight, and caramel highlights throughout.

Diana was bad. 

She had to be only about mid-thirties to early forties. 

She smiled at the people in the room. "Everyone may be seated, but the jury. Officer Worth, please swear in the jury."

As a collective, the audience except for the jury was seated. Milan's head was spinning from how fast everything was taking place. She made eye contact with Judge Cortez, the woman probably felt the nerves coming off of Milan it waves. She gave her a small personable smile before tuning back into their surroundings.

The jury was sworn in and was seated just as the audience was. Once everyone had sat down and was comfortable once again, Judge Cortez banged her gavel down once. It brought everyone to attention, and she was now void of that friendly nature that glowed from her when she first entered. 

"Members of the jury, your duty today will be to determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty based only on facts and evidence provided in this case." As Judge Cortez spoke, her words pierced the air. Her tone only adding to the thick tension that was in the room. Milan was on the edge of her seat.

Glancing at Nicoletta, she was glad one of them had a switch that could hold them together. Nicoletta was a statue as the judge rattled off.

"The prosecution must prove that a crime was committed, and that the defendant is the person who committed the crime.

However, if you are not satisfied of the defendant's guilt to that extent, then reasonable doubt exists, and the defendant must be found not guilty. Officer Worth, what is today's case?" Judge Cortez asked the same man who swore in the jury.

He was an officer just like the ones who'd surrounded the building earlier. Officer Worth was standing at the left of the room on the judge's right side. He was a well-built man with blonde hair that was buzzed pretty short. He looked like he could keep order in the court. 

"Your Honor, today's case is The State of Illinois versus Ramses Damien Young." Office Worth stated finitely.

Nodding, Judge Cortez looked over at Ramses, more pointedly Nicoletta. 

"Is the defense ready?" She asked the group, expectantly.

"Yes, your honor." Nicoletta stood and responded. Judge Cortez smiled, Nicoletta returned it. Then she turned her attention to the two suit wearing men from earlier on the plaintiff side. 

"Is the prosecution ready?" Judge Cortez repeated for their side. 

"Yes, your honor." The black suit answered for the two. 

Then the black suit opened his briefcase on the table in front of him and took out two folders. The judge held out her hand expectantly for one and once the black suit gave it to Office Worth, it was passed to Judge Cortez.

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