Chapter 9

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Going to Whole Cake Island for the second time was uneventful; at least it was for Rosinante, considering he was taking a nap the whole time. Yep, while the Straw Hats were fighting to get Sanji back, crashing Sanji's wedding, fighting Katakuri, possibly the rest of the Big Mom pirates, and in the end barely escaping, Rosinante was in the kitchen sleeping. And quite frankly, the Straw Hats forgot he existed until Sanji saw him in the kitchen when he was about to make lunch.

Sanji woke Rosinante up by kicking him in the head and yelling, "Where the hell did you come from?!"

"Oh, so Straw Hat did end up getting you," Rosinante murmured sleepily, ignoring his throbbing head and digging his fingers through his hair. He jumped from the sudden loud noise of Nami yelling angrily, "You were in here the whole time?! I thought Katakuri killed you or something!"

"Oh yeah, I think I was in here sleeping the whole time while you guys were fighting for your lives, now wasn't I?" Rosinante asked nonchalantly. "At least act like you care!" all the Straw Hats (except Luffy and, you know, the ones that did not come with them) exclaimed.

"Why didn't you help us fight!?" Nami asked, and Rosinante murmured that he was sleeping. "Why were you sleeping instead of helping us!?" Chopper asked.

"Why the hell are you complaining so much? I wouldn't have been much help even if I did try and help you guys. Besides, since your captain is the grandson of Garp, I had no doubt he would get through it."

"Garp? You know him?" Nami asked, perking up at the name. Rosinante raised a brow at her and nodded. "How?"

Before Rosinante could respond, Luffy poked his head inside and asked, "Sanji! When is the food going to be ready?!" Once again, forgetting about Rosinante's existence, Sanji grunted and started making food.

Luffy could not care less when he noticed that Rosinante escaped from Chopper and Nami's gaze and stumbled outside. Staring out into the ocean, he spread his observation haki so he could sense nearby islands and forms of life. Unfortunately, he sensed someone almost right away; though, the person seemed to be either weak or dying (maybe both).

He searched for some sort of boat wreck or any sign of the whereabouts of this person he sensed before he ran for it and decided to hide just in case it was a marine. From what he could tell, this person is female and may not know how to use haki well. But even if she was not a threat, he did not want to mingle around and meet her either way. He made a quick stop to inform Nami of this stranger, and then, not giving her enough time to respond, he hid in the kitchen again.


Nami was checking to make sure that the ship was on the right route before Rosinante informed her of a woman nearby. He informed her that this person is a female and may be injured or weak, then he, not giving her enough time to respond, ran to the kitchen. She bewilderedly blinked at him as her eyes followed him to the kitchen. Recovering from her confusion of Rosinante's actions, Nami slowly processed what he had just informed her.

"There is someone near the ship..." she murmured to herself before she gasped and looked over the edge of the ship. The first thing she saw was floating broken wooden boards and ripped up clothes. She wondered if there was a shipwreck before remembering what Rosinante informed her of and shook her head to clear it and focus on finding the injured woman.

No matter how carefully she looked, she could not find her. Calling for Luffy, she impatiently told him what was happening, and when he started searching for her as well, he found her almost immediately. He stretched his arm, got a hold of the woman and pulled her to the ship.

I survived?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें