Chapter 5

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       Rosinante was running from an angry mob, following close behind his older brother. He could hear the panic in his older brothers voice as he told him to go faster. Unfortunately, Rosinante was going as fast as he could; his leg was injured, and he was already tired because of starvation and no sleep. The two brothers had not found any food in days, and there was no luck with water either. You would think that if it had been storming all night that there would be water, but it seemed that the ground was greedy and sucked it all up. The mob had caught up.

       "Brother!" Rosinante cried as he had been pinned down by a woman that was in her mid-thirties. "Rosy!" Doflamingo yelled as he came to a stop. Doflamingo watched as a man hit his brother's back with a shovel. "Don't you hurt my little brother, you piece of shit!"

       Doflamingo ran towards the man and, as hard as he could, kicked him in the shin, but it was not very effective as the man he kicked kicked him in the stomach hard enough to make him fall to the ground, clutching his stomach. 

       "No, don't hurt my brother! Please!" Rosinante cried and pleaded before a woman kicked him between his shoulder blades, and every person in the mob had beat both the brothers black and blue.


       Rosinante woke up from his mother, Asami, she had been shaking him to get him to wake up, and it seems she did not realize that he was awake. His eyes were wide open, but she continued to shake him. He wished she would let him write a response on a piece of paper instead of beating up his brain cells. Asami suddenly stop shaking him and he found himself falling off the bed and onto the floor.

       "Are you awake?" Asami asked, still not sure if he was.

       Rosinante glared at her, but she did not seem to notice. Seeing as his glare escaped her notice he sat up. "Ah good, your awake Rosinante," Asami stated as she turned on the light. Rosinante blinked rapidly as he tried getting used to the sudden appearing light. "It is your first day of school! Are you excited?"

       Rosinante grumbled and reached for the notepads that are stocked on top of his dresser. He scribbled on the first piece of paper and showed it to his mother. 'Yeah, you can say that.' 

       "Is something wrong, Rosi?" Asami asked. Rosinante did not answer, he just stared at the wooden planks that made their floor as if they would separate from each other and attack him at any given moment. "Rosi." Asami spoke, but Rosinante had not heard her; he was deep in his own thoughts.


       Rosinante jumped as his mother yelled, and he shot his head toward her direction. She asked after seeing that she had gotten his attention, "Are you alright?" He nodded before she let out a sigh, "I hate it when you lie to me, Rosy." 

       Rosinante flinched then scribbled on the first page of his notepad. 'Please don't call me that.'

       "Sorry, Rosi."

       Rosinante did not respond as he stood up and opened his dresser to change into his uniform. "Be ready in thirty minutes," Asami told him, and he nodded as he started undressing himself. After he finished getting ready, he went outside of his room and met his mother in the living room. 'I'm ready, mama.'

         "Alright, here is your bookbag," She handed him a red backpack full of books. After Rosinante grabbed it and swung it over his shoulder, they walked their way to the school. When they got there, Asami said goodbye to her adoptive son. While she was walking back home, Rosinante was walking into the school. He had his schedule in his pocket as he was told by his adoptive parents that breakfast will be served to the students before class.

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