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An undisclosed location, somewhere in France

I've always dreamed of unlocking the tomb. I dreamed of the amount of power the object inside could give me. I've spent years searching for the right spell, the right ingredient, and the right people. I have five of the six descendents that I need and I have finally found the last one. That's why I'm in France. The witch I'm looking for is the descendent of the last witch used to close the tomb. Once I have Marie in my clutches, I will be unstoppable.

Witches Manor, The Ancestral Plane

My friends and I watch as our descendents are taken to be used in a quest for power. We watched in anguish as they were taken one by one. We are dead, so while we cannot stop this person directly, there is someone who can, someone that we chose.

"Its time," I say to my friends

"Are you sure?" One of them asks

"Yes, we knew this day was coming, that's why we allowed her to change two years ago,"

"Do you think she'll be ready?" They ask as I am preparing a memory to send to the person we have chosen.

"She'll be ready, and do not forget she will have help," I say, "Not only from us but also from her family and friends."

"Will she be worthy of the power?" Another one of my friends asks.

"Yes, she will be worthy, and when she receives this power, she will have natural talent once she learns how to handle the power."

The memory is ready and with one last nod of agreement from the five of my friends. I send out the memory and hope that it will be enough to spark an interest in the person we have chosen.

"Good Luck Megan Ross,"  

The Hybrid Series: The Legend Of The TombWhere stories live. Discover now