Take A Chance On Me {15}

Start from the beginning

                I nodded. “Interesting, interesting. So…what’s your blood type?”

                He stared at me in confusion, the car coming to a stop at a red light. I sighed and nodded in agreement with him.

                “You’re right. Too creepy. Okay, forget I asked that,” I said.

                “You’re…interesting, Tate.” Callum chuckled and pulled into the parking lot of Taco Bell. He parked the car and we got out together.

                “I’m going to take that as a compliment,” I said and pouted. “Better interesting than boring!”

                “I guess so,” Callum said, holding the door open for me.

“Like your last name.” I snickered under my breath. Woo! He didn’t hear. My stealth skills are increasing.

                I stepped into Taco Bell and he followed after me. We ordered and paid, grabbing our drinks and heading over to fill them while we waited for our food.

                “Callum, how old are you?” I asked, realizing that I didn’t actually know.

                “I’m 18 years old. Aren’t you 18?”

                I shook my head. “Nah, I’m 17. Oh, Callum Cook is going for a younger man!” I winked at him and slapped his booty.

                “Tate! You said you weren’t going to do that!”

                “No, I said I wasn’t going to grab your ass. And I didn’t grab it,” I pointed out.

                “How about you just keep your hands to yourself?” He suggested, casting me a dry look.

                “No can do,” I replied, winking at him.

                We grabbed our food and I followed Callum over to a random table in the corner. We sat down and I unwrapped a taco, trying and failing to eat it without making a mess.

                Callum sighed. “I’ll get you napkins Tate. Honestly, could you be any messier?”

                “I’m trying to keep it in my mouth!” I whined. My eyes widened and I blushed at what I had said. Oh, dirty thoughts.

                Callum got up and grabbed a bunch of napkins before sitting back down and handing them to me. I wiped my face and hands, resisting the urge to growl at my taco. No need to make Callum think I was completely mentally insane.

                We ate in comfortable silence. I would talk to him and question him more, but I was too busy trying to eat my taco without making an even bigger mess.

                I looked up and my face paled as my eyes landed on the entrance. I sank down in my seat a little, praying that he wouldn’t see me.

                Brandon stepped into Taco Bell, swinging his car keys around his finger. He had his headphones in, and was distracted as he looked at the menu above the counter.

                “Uh…hey Callum, want to go get ice cream or something? You know, go somewhere that’s not here?” I asked nervously.

                Callum gave me a confused look. “But you’re not done eating yet Tate. You still have food,” he said, gesturing at it.

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