Chapter 45-The Final Punch

Start from the beginning

"You're finally awake."

I turned to Keith, who looked at me with a small grin. He also had bandages around his upper arm and a few around his head. My cheeks turned pink.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm, uh-"

I didn't get the chance to answer. The other elementals from my team quickly gathered around me in excitement, praising me for how incredible the battle was. Next thing I knew, I was bombarded with questions about my fight with Keith. And I was barely ble to answer any of them.

"What happened in the beginning with your powers?" Zack asked impatiently.

"Uh, I-"

"How'd you be them back?" Celest asked.

"Were you just holding back until the end?" Cameron added.

"Well, I-"

"And what was with that new form? I mean, the fire swirling around you and then turning into something from that show that you showed me- what was it called again?" Aaron said.

"Dragon Eye?"

"Yeah! That one! How did you do that?"

"And where did all of that spare power come from?" Natalie added.


"That's enough, students." Mr Silva spoke up from behind the crowd. "Can't you see that the poor boy is exhausted? Give him some room to breathe."

The other elementals took a step or two back. Mr Silva then turned to me with an impressed look.

"That was one hell of a match, Fier." He complimented. "I see you've been taking my advice."

"Y-Yes, thank you, sir." I replied.

"Though, you still have quite a bit to go before you can truly master your flames. However, you've made a lot more progress than I would've ever expected. You even unlocked a new form." Mr Silva said. My eyes widened.

"A new form?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes. It greatly increased your strength, speed and overall power." Mr Silva explained.

"It's like my Terrawolf form." Keith chimed in. Mr Silva spoke again.

"Every elemental unlocks it after their powers develop enough. Though, it's quite rare to see an elemental unlock it this early on. Especially considering your circumstances." Mr Silva scratched his chin and hummed to himself in thought.

"Everything alright, Mr Silva?" I asked.

"Yes. I just realized that I might have some research to do." He said. He then turned to me curiously. "I see big things coming your way, Fier."

With that he turned to leave, before stopping and turning on his heels. "Now you can bombard him."

With that, Mr Silva left the arena.

The rest of us stared blankly at him for a second before everyone had their eyes on me eagerly. Zielo was the first to ask;

"So, how did you unlock that new form?" He asked.

"I dunno. One minute, I was starting to feel exhausted. The next, boom. Fire all around me." I explained.

"It looked so cool! Especially when you leapt forward and you made that enormous fire blast, and then the explosion at the end!?" Zack said quickly, tiny bolts of electricity sparking from his hair. He then let out a short gasp. "We need a name for it."

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