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"Narrator: while the chefs were hanging out after their grueling service. Krupa started drinking."

"How many did you have?" Elise asked while chuckling.

"I need some more," said Krupa pouring another glass of wine.

"Krupa: After a long day in the kitchen, with little to no sleep, prepping, and doing long yet brutal dinner service every night. I would drink, drink, more drinking to relieve the mood."

"What the Fuck are you looking at, Natalie?" said Krupa drunkenly.

Natalie laughs while drunk Krupa sits next to her laughing as well.

"Oh brother, she's drunk isn't she?" Carrie asked snarkily.

"No, I am not!" Krupa replied drunkenly.

"Yeah, sure." Carrie replied snarkily.

Krupa went inside back to the dorms and use the phone to drunkenly dial Chef Ramsay.


*Phone rings*

Chef Ramsay picks up the phone. "Hello," said Ramsay on the phone.

"Hiiiii Chef Ramsay," said drunk Krupa on the phone.

"Hello Krupa, what's going on?" Chef Ramsay replied on the phone.

"Nothing, so how are you, Gordon?" The Heavily drunk Krupa asked.

"I'm good, how are you, Krupa?" Chef Ramsay asked on the phone.

"I'm feeling good, but but do you know what makes me feel much better? " Krupa asked drunkenly on the phone.

"What?" Ramsay replied on the phone.

"You fucking me," Krupa answered drunkenly on the phone.

"WHAT! Stay right there, I'm coming to get you," said Chef Ramsay seriously on the phone.

The head chef hangs up the phone and leaves his office to get Krupa. Meanwhile, drunk Krupa hangs up the phone and starts to hide in the red team's dorms. Natalie sees her and asks "Krupa! Why are you hiding in the dorms?"

"Because Chef is coming to get me and he's scaring me, that's why!" Krupa explained.

"What did you do?!" Natalie asked.

"I was on the phone with him and I said 'You fucking me,'" Krupa explained.

"WHAT!" cried Natalie in shock.

"I can't explain more. if you see him, tell him I said I'm downstairs," Krupa answered.

"Fine, Krupa." said Natalie unamused.


Chef Ramsay made it to the living room of the dorms and saw Natalie sitting on the couch acting "normal".

"Natalie, have you seen Krupa?" Ramsay asked.

"No, why did you ask?" Natalie asked back.

"Madam, don't bullshit me, where is she?" Chef Ramsay asked back seriously.

"Ok, she's over there!" Natalie answered pointing at the door where Krupa is hiding.

Krupa slightly opens the door and says "Ah, Bitch!"

Chef Ramsay sees her and Krupa closes the door back.

"Don't you dare, Missy." said Ramsay.

Chef Ramsay went to the door and immediately opens it. He enters the room and sees Krupa on the bed hiding in the covers. Ramsay sat on the bed and asks "Krupa, Krupa, why are you hiding from me?"

Chef Ramsay pulls the covers off of her but she covers herself back. "Okay, so you want to learn the hard way, don't you?" said Ramsay frustrated.

He gently takes the covers off of her and calmly says "Krupa, look at me."

Krupa looks at him and responded with a simple "Yes, Chef."

"I want to know why did talk to me on the phone like that. Have you drinking been while you were on the phone with me?" Ramsay asked seriously.

"," Krupa responded drunkenly.

"See you're not being fair because you said to me that was shocking was 'you fucking me'" The head chef responded more seriously.

"Oh...Well, I'm sorry for saying that, I won't do it again while drunk, please don't take me out of the competition, Chef." Krupa pleaded.

Chef Ramsay looked at her seriously and says "Ok, you are forgiven, but if you do this type of stunt again, you're history, yes?" Ramsay explained.

"yes, chef." Krupa replied.

Krupa was about to go to bed when she had a naughty idea in mind and started to get in on all fours.

"Krupa, what are you doing?" Ramsay asked confusingly.

Krupa slightly shakes her butt and says "Hmmm...I want you to fuck me from behind, chef."

"What?" said Ramsay confused.

"Ahhhh, please fuck me!" Krupa replied.

Chef Ramsay thought long and hard about it until he finally gave in and pulls down her shorts and panties.

"Alright let's make this quick, are you ready, My darling?" said The head chef unbuckling his pants and pulling them down including his underwear.

"Yes, Sirrr!..." Krupa shrieked.

Krupa moaned when he inserted it inside her. "Damn, you're wet!" said Ramsay under his breath.

He started thrusting hard and fast inside her. Krupa starts moaning like crazy and screams "AH, YES! JUST LIKE THAT, FUCK ME! FUCK ME!"

Krupa continued to moan like crazy and was almost at near full orgasm while he fucks her hard and fast like crazy.

Krupa felt a hard smack on her ass while being rammed hard by Ramsay. That surprised her and says "Ahhh, Chef! I didn't know you had it in you?"

"Well, there's more where that came from." The head chef while ramming her.

She felt another smack from him and moaned from it. She kept having her ass smacked by him and moaned from it over and over again.

"Oh, That shit fucking feels so good!" said Krupa moaning in response.

"Yeah?" Ramsay asked.

"Yeah!" Krupa replied.

The head chef was close and so was her. "I'm close, where do you want me to release it, my darling?" The head chef asked.

"On my thigh, Chef!" Krupa replied while moaning.

With the last few thrusts he gave her, he pulls out and releases on her thigh.

Both Krupa and Chef breathe heavily afterward and Chef Ramsay straightens himself out while Krupa pulls up her panties and shorts back up.

Krupa went to bed having a blackout while the head chef pulls the covers up and says "Goodnight, my darling."

Chef Ramsay left the room and went back to his office. Natalie glances at Ramsay walking by and turns back to the group of chefs with her hand on her mouth.

"Hey Nat, why you're blushing?" Will asked.

"Nothing," said Natalie chuckling and blushing at the same time.

A/N: "Krupa just came. Wait, What?!"

- Krupa


And yes, she actually said this...

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