The scent of flowers

Start from the beginning

It gave her goosebumps.

Decorated by a silver lining and patterned with colours of green and purple, the big rectangular box was closed with a white ribbon.
She looked to see the tag.

Hand written, she read her own name
Emily Prentiss

It gave Emily flashbacks.
Years ago, she had found a similar box to her doorstep. Enough to already know what would be inside. She tucked the ribbon to open the box and to her desperation, she had been right.

But now, instead of a Lilac Freesia, a single Violet sat in the deep purple velvet inside.

With it, came a card with something written
She took the flower in her hands and as she couldn't contain her curiosity, she smelled the sweet floral aroma.

It was sweet, subtle, comforting.

"Is everything ok?"
She heard Katherine say inside.

Fast as she could, without thinking about it, she put the flower back into the box, closed it and scrambled to try and find a place to put it, to hide it.
Emily knew what this meant.

Elizabeth was making a move.

Had she known Katherine was here with her?

"Coming!" She said as she found an empty box on the side and put it in.

She went back again as she tried to put in her best lie.

"Some package that got the wrong address, it was for the neighbour" she said as she grabbed her go bag, avoiding eye contact. She hoped Katherine hadn't noticed.

Katherine watched her carefully as she wondered what was wrong with Emily.

"Are you still nervous around me?" She asked as she stood up to meet Emily and leave together.
Emily sighed as she turned around.

If she had to lie about being nervous to protect Katherine, that was the most easiest thing to do.

She took the time to kiss Katherine.
"Maybe" she said as she gave her the car keys.
"I don't want to be late, lets go, door locks automatically" she said as she got her door keys and opened to door.

She walked fast, looking around to see where she had hid the box hoping Katherine wouldn't see. She looked back as Katherine stood still for a second on the front door, looking at her.

It made her nervous but she smiled as Katherine walked up to her as she played with the car keys. She passed by opening the passagers seat for Emily to sit.

"M'lady" she said as she showed her her seat.

Emily was secretly glad she hadn't noticed.

"Thank you" Emily smirked as she sat and Katherine closed the door and made her way to the drivers seat.

"So," she said as she backed away front the parking space "How fast do you want to be there?" She asked Emily with a grinning smile.

Her devious smile made Emily seek a serious tone
"Katherine......." She warned

But it was too late.
With the sound of the engine, Katherine was speeding down the street, heading towards work.
But I guess a bit of fun can't hurt.

Whatever happens today couldn't possibly ruined what they had right now.

Though a worry was on Emily's mind
She didn't get to read what the note said



The doors of the elevator opened and both women stepped out on the 6th floor. 

Amaranthine - Emily PrentissWhere stories live. Discover now