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Chapter 246 Is That Ziana?!

“Did you see it?” Hank’s persuasive voice sounded in his ears.

Boris replied subconsciously, “I saw a pair of eyes.”

“Can you describe them?”

Boris frowned. The eyes in his mind were dark, clear, beautiful, and agile.

The eye shape was beautiful, and its curvature was perfect. The eyelashes were long and thick. They were a girl’s eyes.

But her gaze was cold and arrogant. They didn’t look like a girl’s.

These eyes made him feel inexplicably familiar, and there was a voice in his heart urging him to look more carefully.

He couldn’t wait to see who the girl in front of him was, but he couldn’t move his eyes didn’t move

in the direction he wanted.

“Who was she?” Hank was still asking.

Boris shook his head, “I don’t know.”

“Did you see her face clearly?”

“No.” Boris sounded impatient.

His vision seemed to be trapped by something. He tried several times but still couldn’t see


The girl before him suddenly walked away, leaving him with a fading back and words engraved in

his heart that he would never forget.

“You are so blessed to meet me today.”

He saw her lazily snapping her fingers, and suddenly a group of people came forward and surrounded her.

She turned her head to talk to them. After a while, she probably noticed his gaze and looked over indifferently.

Boris’s head suddenly hurt!

Boris opened his eyes abruptly, panting heavily.

Seeing this, Hank got nervous. He stood up, came to him quickly, and asked with concern, “What’s wrong?”

Boris didn’t look at him. His eyes were deep and lost, as if he was still immersed in his dreams.

Biber, who was guarding outside the door, saw everything from the window. Hank nodded to him. He walked in.

He looked at Hank. The latter silently shook his head at him.

Biber had a severe expression. He tightened his hands in his pockets.

Boris quickly calmed down. He rubbed his temples, and his lips trembled slightly, “Do it again.”

He was about to see her face!

That familiar throbbing feeling was unmistakable. He was eager to prove whether his intuition was right or not.

“One more time.” He took a deep breath and sat back on the chair again, “I will definitely see her

face this time.”

Hank shook his head and rejected him, “It has failed. Let’s stop here today.”

“We were almost there.” Boris was stubborn. He looked at Hank pleadingly, “Doctor Johnson.”

Hank sighed. His tone was undeniable, “I have hypnotized more than 3,000 cases, but you are the first to fail so quickly. So, I guess…”

Boris had told him that an unknown person had rescued him.

Based on the current situation, Hank had a reasonable guess.

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