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Chapter 337 Kill the Mistress

“What’s wrong with Mr. Andrew?” Like asked suddenly, making everyone look at Edison.

Edison’s face froze slightly, and he replied with a half-smile, “I’m fine.”

“Really? Your face doesn’t look well.” Luke raised his brows and asked Ziana, “What did you say to him? Look at how pale he is.”

Everyone at the table clearly saw that the two of them had been whispering.

Ziana laughed and said, “It’s a secret between the two of us. Stop asking, Luke.”

Luke glanced at Edison meaningfully and said, “Okay.”

Ziana noticed that Edison’s expression did indeed not look well, so she asked about the flash marriage and changed the topic.

With her mediating the atmosphere, they had a harmonious breakfast.

After breakfast, everyone went to deal with their own business.

Ziana and Edison still had a Coupling Reality Show to shool today. Therefore, after saying goodbye to everyone, they boarded the car to the west of the island.

Once in the car, Edison was exceptionally quiet.

Ziana glanced at Edison a few times, then asked with concern, “Why are you still in such a bad mood? Are you still thinking about that wrong thing?”

Edison forced out a smile. “Yeah, sorry, I’ve been distracted.”

“It’s okay, have you made a decision?” Ziana looked at how confus was and asked, “It seems like a really

difficult choice.”

“Yes.” Edison shrugged and said, “After all, it takes courage to admit mistakes.”

At this moment, a phone rang suddenly in the car.

It was Edison’s phone.

After he took it out, a string of numbers was displayed on the screen. Edison’s expression, which was already not looking very well, became even gloomier. He instantly hung up the call.

Seeing this, Ziana asked suspiciously, “Why didn’t you answer?”

“I don’t want to.” Edison’s voice was cold, he paused and explained to her slowly, “Sorry, it’s my mother.”

“Oh.” Ziana understood. Just as she was about to speak, the phone rang again, and it was still the same string of numbers as just now.

This time, Edison rejected the call again without even thinking about it.

“Maybe there is something urgent?” Ziana coughed lightly.

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” Edison’s attitude was very firm, “What urgent matter can she have?”

After all, this was Edison’s private business, so Ziana knew she had no right to interfere too much.

She had no choice but to shrug and say, “Okay. Don’t pick it up if you don’t want to then.”

After this, on their way to the set of the show, Edison’s phone never rang again.

What they were going to record today was the Sports Carnival They had been training for their respective events for the past few days. Today was the time to test the results.

The venue was on a track and field. As Love 101 became popular, many audiences came to the set to watch them shoot.

When Edison and Ziana got out of the car, they immediately saw a ton of people opposite the street, chattering and

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