He said disapprovingly, “Your current situation is not suitable for staying in a relationship. PTSD patients can be more paranoid and irritable. They are unable to control themselves during the onset. There are many cases of PTSD patients hurting their lovers during the onset.”

Hank put his arms around his chest, “Do you want to hurt her?”

Boris looked up.

In his eyes, Hank saw a touch of pain.

Hank was stunned and then returned to normal. He gave Boris advice professionally, “The most urgent thing now is to cure the disease. According to my guess, your condition is getting worse.”

Hank arranged for a nurse to take Boris for an examination.

The test results were exactly as he had guessed.

After a period of treatment, his situation did not get better but worse.

Biber showed unprecedented worry, “What should we do now?”

Hank had studied Boris’s case carefully. After thinking for a long time, he said, “We can’t behave recklessly. To cure him, we must first find his cause and the memory. PTSD patients have

experienced inhuman torment. So I think it’s crucial to remind him to remember that memory and then use positive psychology and drugs to intervene.”

Boris understood. His eyes brightened, “You want to help me retrieve my memory?”

“But that memory may be very painful.” Hank was worried, “Would you like to try?”

Boris had enough of amnesia long ago..

In recent nightmares, some images appeared frequently. He suspected that they were related to the


He would rather remember everything and endure the pain than be confused and suffer from frequent nightmares.

The two hit it off.

“How do we get my memory b

Boris was most concerned about this.

When Hank was reading Boris’s medical records, he had made several treatment plans in advance.

He looked straight at Boris, “Hypnosis.”

Hypnotherapy was one of the most common aids in the treatment of ment*l illness.

Boris had no objection.

Hank asked his coworkers and nurses to make a series of preparations before hypnosis.

Biber followed Hank out of the treatment room. He was nervous.

Hank glanced at him and asked with a smile, “You don’t trust me?”

“Of course I trust you.” Biber didn’t know what to say, “I just cared too much. Boris and I grew up together. We are like brothers. I don’t want him to be in trouble. Is hypnosis risky? What if he remembers the past and gets worse…”

“He will remember the past anyway.” Hank looked gentle, but his words were decisive, “As a –psychological counselor, you should know that ment*l illness needs to be faced positively. I think Mr. Lewis is psychologically strong. This aggressive treatment method may be more conducive to improving his condition.”

Biber understood the truth, and he knew that what Hank said was right.

Hank patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, “Don’t worry. I will try my best.”

They finished the conversation. Hank returned to the treatment room after getting ready.

There were only him and Boris in the room.

He smiled warmly as usual, “Mr. Lewis, please don’t be nervous. Take it easy.”

There was incense in the room, and soothing music was played. They made Boris feel slightly relieved.

“Mr. Lewis, are you ready?” Hank asked gently.

Boris had already closed his eyes, “Go ahead.”

Hank’s teacher was a famous psychiatrist. He excelled at hypnosis.

Hank was very clear about Boris’s past. He started from the plane crash five years ago, and it easily put Boris in the mood.

“You found that you fell into a dense forest. The trees were towering, and there was no human habitation. Branches pierced your eyes, and there was a lot of blood. The pain caused you to be unconscious and drowsy.”

“At this moment, you heard footsteps from far to near. Who was it?”

Boris, lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, seemed to have returned to that day again.

He was lying on the ground in despair and powerless all over. Suddenly, a pleasant female voice sounded in his ears.

He followed the voice and looked over, but he only saw the outline, “It’s a girl…”

“What does she look like?” Hank asked again, “Look up and try to see her face.”

Boris frowned, trying hard to recall. Surprisingly, the blurry outline in front of him gradually

became clear.

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