"Don't assume me and Mason are dating ever again. He's a pig," she grumbles.

"If he's a pig then why do you have sex with him?"

She tightens her hands around the steering wheel. "Because," she says through clenched teeth. "I didn't know he was a pig until after I found out that he has a wife and child."

"What?" I scream in the small confines of the car.

Quinn doesn't seem affected by my piercing yell. Like a champ she keeps her eyes on the road although I think her focus is on the spawn of Satan who seems to want to ruin everyone's lives.

"I found out the other day," she sneers. "You know, when his wife waltzed through the house carrying his eight month old child in her arms and was asking where her piece of shit husband was."

The car is eerily quiet. I don't dare to sneeze or cough or do anything that might cause Quinn to blow. I've seen Quinn be a bitch, it's her natural way, and even that's scary at times, but I've never wanted to see her mad. Well now I do.

I just hope I'm in a nightmare right now and any second I will wake up in my own safe bed.

"What did you do?" I whisper.

"I told her exactly where he was," she smiles evilly. "Then I showed him exactly where he could go shove it," she pauses, "with my boot."

My laughter fills the small space, soon both of ours does, over powering the loud rock music coming from the speakers.


"Why are we coming here exactly?" I ask as we pull up to the curb in front of the house.

Quinn groans, leaning her head back against the head rest, instead of answering my question for the third time.

"What is it?" I ask curiously.

"You're about to meet the dumbest skanky women in the world," she inclines her head to a parked car in front of us. It has a bumper sticker on the back that says, "Coexist" and another that says, "LA babe."

"I don't really want to," I mumble.

"Oh please." Quinn races to unbuckle her seatbelt, then quickly un fastens mine as well. "You have to go in now," she grins at me, "you'll be the hottest girl in there."

She squeals like a little girl as she gets out of the car and I'm left staring at her shocked as she runs over to my door.

She opens the door and starts to drag me out. "Come on," she whines.

Once I'm finally standing in front of her she doesn't waste a second in grabbing my hand, slamming the door with her butt, and pulling me into the driveway.

"Quinn," I say, "what are you doing?"

"I'm just excited to see Chase, that's all," she laughs.

"Liar," I grumble but none the less let her barge into the house (again) with me in tow.

She leads me through the same old dirty living room and hallway and when we pass the bathroom a flood of memories rack my brain. Once again I have to take the time to force them out which is getting harder each time.

I'm too busy trying to get thoughts of Bash out of my head that I don't notice when Quinn opens the door to the garage. Only when I hear his voice resonating in my ears do I come back to reality.

His eyes find mine immediately and instead of stopping his singing, he continues. He doesn't look surprised at all to see me standing there in front of him, but I'm shocked as all hell to be staring into his eyes.

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