You Reap What You Woe 5.4

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Y/n put down a glass of honey on the bedside of Eugene's hospital bed and sighed.
"I harvested hive number 3.", she said into the empty room. "the bees miss you, Eugene."

Eugene couldn't answer, he was still in a coma, and because nobody else was there, Y/n decided to be a little more vulnerable than usual: "we all do. We all miss you."

Thing appeared from behind a monitor and Y/n thanked him quickly, for keeping an eye on the boy.

"any updates?", she asked.

Thing shook his body, no.

Y/n looked down at the boy, her anger growing: "he didn't deserve this. I should be in that bed..."

"you did nothing wrong, Y/n.", a voice behind her suddenly said, making her flinch and turn around.

"Xavier.", she breathed out, her voice a little less confident than before, as she noticed how close they were standing.

"sorry, princess, didn't mean to startle you. I just came to visit Eugene. I was in town anyways.", he boy said and smiled down at her sympathetically. "but I mean it. You couldn't have known that he was going into the woods all by himself. Much less that the monster was going to attack him."

"But I could've had a vision, I could've gone with him, instead of going to the dance.", Y/n argued.

"I'm sorry that it happened, but you can't change what's past. He is still alive, okay? He's going to be alright, and you and I are going to be alright. It's time to let it go, Y/n/n.", he said and pulled her into a hug, hesitantely, she complied to it and sunk against his lean figure, finding comfort in his presence.

Just hearing him say that everything was going to be alright made her believe it. For a second, at least.

That's when they heard a knock on the door and two elder women entered the room.
"sorry to interrupt, dearies.", one of them said, and Xavier and Y/n quickly let go of one another.
The women looked at Y/n and her black clothes, and one of them said: "ah, you must be Wednesday."

"oh, no actually I'm Y/n. My sister is at her dorm right now. She was going to come and visit Eugene with me, but we have a lot on our minds right now.", Y/n explained, adjusting her jacket a little awkwardly. 

She still felt dazed from the hug... that she had just complied to... voluntarily. 

Because she had liked it.

"oh, okay.", the woman smiled a little awkwardly. "We're Eugene's moms. Sue and Janet.", Janet introduced herself and her partner.

"you girls were all he could talk about lately.", Sue said with a smile. "he was so happy you joined the Hummers."

"Eugene hasn't had the easiest time fitting in at Nevermore.", Janet explained.

"He was so excited to finally make real friends.", Sue added.

The mothers smiled at her friendly. Like they actually liked her. Found her nice. 

Y/n didn't really know what to reply, she had never been in such a situation before: "well, I brought him some honey.", she quickly breathed out, overwhelmed by all the lovey-dovey people around her.
Xavier, Eugene's moms... it was too much in too little time for her.

She tried to go, but the women wouldn't let her through.
"Eugene loves those dang bees like they're his kids.", Janet said. "his fuzzy-buzzy babies."
Sue looked at her wife and nodded: "he's gonna be okay, right?", the women walked closer to the bed.

"I should go.", Y/n said coldly, dragging Xavier behind her by the sleeve, who quickly hummed a 'goodbye' towards the women. 


Once they were outside the hospital, Y/n felt like she could finally breathe normally again.
No fuzzy-buzzy babies, loving eyes and tears of love and affection.

She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

This was unusual for her. She could always keep her calm and would never feel like she didn't have the upper hand in a situation. But now it was like she had been run over by a truck made out of glitter and rainbows.

Her knees felt wobbly and she couldn't explain why, but she felt like crying.

Maybe it was because she was lonely, maybe it was because she missed Eugene, or maybe it was simply because she had lost her mind.

Y/n hoped the latter.

"hey, Y/n/n, are you alright?", Xavier asked, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
She shoved it off and turned around towards him. "I don't know. I feel too much."
"what do you mean?"
"Empathy... of some sorts.", Y/n said, feeling weird just by saying the word.
He chuckled. "But I thought you don't feel empathy? Just rage and anger, and everything that fits into the negative range of emotions."

She started slowly walking into the direction of the bus stop that would take them back home: "well, I don't know. It's actually a little concerning. Lately, I started having... feeling-attacks."

"feeling-attacks?", he asked curiously, walking next to her. "What's that?"
"well, out of the sudden, I'd feel something in some situations. I don't really know what to do about that, I can't even tell my parents, it's so embarrassing. I don't even know where it comes from.", she shook her head in self-disappointment. "just now, for example, in the hospital, I let you hug me for about 6 seconds. I even hugged you back. And I felt better."

Xavier laughed, his cheeks reddening: "well, I'm glad I could help. If I were you though, I would actually be more concerned that you didn't feel anything before."

"well, it's not normal for a sociopath to start feeling again, is it?", she asked and sighed. "I just don't get it."

"I can't believe I'm about to say this but maybe you're just a psychopath and not a sociopath.", he smiled.

"that would be most tragic.", she replied.

Xavier laughed: "I think you'll get over it. Maybe you'll see the world with different eyes tomorrow... feelings and emotions are not as bad as you might think. You just have to be patient and everything will be fine."

He opened up his backpack and got out his phone and his headphones.
He handed her one earbud: "here, we'll listen to some music on the way. I made a playlist that I think you'll like."

"see? Just now, I could kill you! You always have to do these adorable things! It's like you're a puppy but whatever I do, you won't go away! You're not helping with the feeling-attacks!", she yelled annoyed. 

He just laughed: "see? You're already angry again. Don't worry. And now listen to music, it always helps me."

She sighed, hesitantely taking the earbud.

And so, they strolled towards the bus station together, listening to music, connected through the earphones.


1119 words. 
You guys, I am soo sooo sorry that I didn't update for so long. In full honesty I had written this chapter but kept it for myself (gaslight gatekeep girlboss lol)
The reason for that is because I didn't know if something was missing but I just felt like I needed to give you some more stuff to read. 
Thanks so much for all the support I'm getting, this book already has over 15k reads, I never thought I would reach such a big number!
Once again, treat people with kindness and be glad that you didn't have to write this because it took me forever to actually figure out which mom was Janet and which was Sue ;)

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