Woe What A Night 4.8

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"we're here.", Xavier said as they stood in front of the lake, where the Poe Cup had taken place.
"but we're at the lake. Not the crypt.", Y/n glared at him.
"exactly.", Xavier said. "you are not very patient, are you?"

"actually, I always do what I want and when I want. So, no."

"yeah, I figured.", Xavier said and moved towards the peer. Y/n watched him as he grabbed onto an old boat and pushed it in the water.
"what are you doing?", she asked confusedly.
"do you have a car?", Xavier asked, even though he already knew the answer, while holding the boat with one hand and turning towards her, so he could see her.
"obviously, no.", Y/n responded dryly: "Otherwise, you would've already been run over by it multiple times."
Xavier rolled his eyes but could barely hide his smirk: "very funny. But you see, you don't have a car, so we're gonna take the boat."
"that doesn't look like it could carry us.", Y/n replied sceptically. 
"don't worry, this boat is very old and has carried many people.", the boy replied with a reassuring smile. 
"exciting. Who doesn't love a trip on an old unstable boat in the middle of the night with a murderer?", Y/n mumbled and got into the boat. 
"what?", Xavier turned to her, his expression shocked and suspicious. 
"I've probably said too much.", Y/n quietly commented, then looked at the boy. "so? Are you gonna get in or just stand around all night?"

And so, Xavier got into the boat and started rowing. 


A little while later, the two sat in the middle of the lake on their old boat. The only thing that could be heard were cicadas and frogs. 
It was already in the middle of the night, everything was dark, the water looked comepletely black and streams of white fog crept over the wide landscape. 
Y/n held her flashlight in her hands, lighting their surroundings and taking everything in, while Xavier was looking at her in awe. 

"well, this is romantic.", Xavier said with a smirk, filling the silence, while he was rowing them further away from Nevermore.
"If you won't shut up, I'll throw you off this boat.", Y/n replied flatly. 

"I have a question.", Xavier replied suddenly, causing the girl to look at him. 
"well, can't I hold you back from asking it, can I?", she responded, giving her aprove of asking. 

Xavier cleared his throat and asked in a serious tone: "are you really a murderer?"
"do I need to answer?", the girl answered with a question. 
"I'm on a boat alone with you. I would like to know for reassurance.", the boy said. 

Y/n sighed with a small smile on her lips: "well, let's just say Wednesday and I went through many schools for many reasons."
"should I be scared of you?", the boy started smiling too. 
"always. But you don't have to be on your guard right now. I might still need you.", the girl joked, still sounding serious though. 
"wow, I'm going to act like that didn't hurt.", the boy replied with a low chuckle. "But since we're already at the point of talking about murder, you're gonna tell me now, what you want in the crypt."
Y/n really didn't want to tell him, so she just replied: "I don't need to tell you anything. We're just strangers on a boat and I didn't want you to be here."

That made Xavier's smile disappear: "strangers? You think we're strangers?"
"what did you think?", Y/n asked confusedly. 
"I mean considering that you've asked me to the ball, I'd say a bit more that strangers.", Xavier said a little offended. 
"right... The ball.", Y/n remembered, then quickly added something that she guessed 'normal people' would say: "I'm... looking forward to it..."
"that sounded almost believable.", Xavier said, smiling at her in awe. Although she hurt his feelings from time to time, he knew that she had her moments of fragility, where she would let her guards down and not take everything so serious. 
He snapped out of his staring, when he realized that they had reached the shore. "Oh look, we're here."


After a short walk, that was spent in complete silence, they eventually reached the old building. 

Love And Sociopaths (Xavier X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon