Woe Is The Loneliest Number 2.1

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The police was out searching for the monster with a search party. They had been searching for hours, though nothing was found. They had to give up. 


At Nevermore, Wednesday, Y/n and Principal Weems discussed the search-results with Sheriff Galpin. 

"how could you miss a dead body?", Wednesday asked the Sheriff. 
"'cause it wasn't there.", he answered bluntly. "no footprints, no blood, no sign of a struggle. Nothing, nada. My search party looked all night."

"well, your search party must have left their seeing-eye dogs at home.", Y/n commented. "I saw that monster kill Rowan right in front of us."

"you were passed out.", he told the girl, indicating that she didn't have a say. 
"right, but I can see my sisters thoughts.", she explained. 

The sheriff glared at her. "did you at least get a good look at this monster thing?"
"it didn't stick around for a chat.", Wednesday replied. 
"Maybe it was one of your classmates.", the Sheriff suggested to the girls, as they walked up the stairs. 
"Sheriff, I find that question offensive.", Weems intervened.
"Well, I don't care, 'cause I got three other dead bodies in the morgue.", the sheriff argued back. "Hikers just ripped apart in the woods."

"The mayor said those were bear attacks.", Weems said shockedly.  
"Well, the mayor and I disagree on that.", he responded grumpily.

"so you automatically assume a Nevermore student is the murderer, even though there's no evidence a crime was even committed.", she argued. 
"I'm sorry, I forgot, you only teach the good outcasts here, right?", he provoked. 

They went to the Principal's office. 
"My guess is Rowan ran away. State troopers have put out an alert and I have contacted his family, but they haven''t heard from him either.", the Principal said, to which Y/n replied: "dead people are notoriously bad at returning calls."

The Sheriff sat down next to Wednesday and Y/n: "what were you two doing out in the wodds with him?" 
Wednesday replied: "we heard a noise in the forest and went to go investigate. That's when I stumbled upon the attack. In all the chaos, Y/n fell and hit her head on a stone."
The sisters had decided beforehand, they wouldn't tell the sheriff about the picture or their potential danger to the school. 

"then what happened?", the Sheriff asked, looking Wednesday. "Then I ran into Bianca Barclay and I told her to go for help. I looked for Y/n and sat down next to her, to check if she was still alive. The next thing I remember, I was awakening in my dorm."

"And just to be clear, this monster wasn't a bear or some wild animal?", the sheriff asked.  
"We've hibernated with grizzlies. I know the difference.", Wednesday said. 
"thank you sheriff.", Principal Weems stood up.

 "I think Miss Addams and Miss Addams are done now."
"Actually we would like to speak to Sheriff Galpin. Alone.", Y/n said. 
"I'm not sure I can allow that.", the blond woman answered. 

"I'm sure I could take at least Wednesday to the station and get a formal statement. Yeah, let's go.", Sheriff smirked at the woman. 
"fine.", the tall woman answered. 

"y'all have five minutes, and everything is off the record. Play nice...", she said. "or I will call the mayor.", she threatened, then she walked out of the room. 

Wednesday and Y/n turned to the Sheriff. 
Y/n said: "Someone is trying to cover up Rowan's murder. That's the only reason to scrub the crime scene."
"Is that your professional opinion as the daughter of a murderer, Miss Addams?", he asked Y/n. 
"our father is twice the man you are, and the only thing he murders is the occasional opera in the shower.", Y/n contered.

"it's been a long night, and I'm tried of your games."
"We're not playing games.", Wednesday argued. "we're telling the truth."
"You want to reject our claims but you can't.", Y/n said. 
"why is that?"
"Because us three all know there's a monster out there. And Rowan is his latest victim."

Suddenly the door was opened: "sheriff?"
"what?", Galpin asked. 
"You're gonna want to see this.", the police officer said and opened the door, to reveal: Rowan.
The sheriff looked at the girls, then back at the boy, who smiled a little. 

Edgar Allan Poe said,  "believe nothing you hear and half of what you see." 
Clearly Nevermore's most famous alumni picked that up here. No wonder he became a drug-addled madman. 


725 words 
I am so glad that I'm already done with the first episode cause it's so much work, haha;)

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