Wednesday's Child Is Full Of Woe 1.8

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In the evening, all of Jericho and Nevermore was at the festival.
Everybody was laughing and having fun at the Harvest Festival, while Wednesday and Y/n were planning their escape.
Sadly, they had noticed that Principal Weems was following their every step.

Enid asked the girls: "Are you sure you can trust that normie?"
They looked over at Tyler, who was arguing with his dad.
From afar, they could hear him: "Dad, I didn't know they were gonna be here."
"I don't want you talking to her. And I want you home by 12."
"1.", Tyler bargained.
"12.30", and with that Sheriff Galpin disappeared.

Y/n answered for them: "I trust that I can handle myself. And Wednesday knows herself too."
Enid turned to the girls: "Well...Good luck and safe travels.", she said with a smile. She tried huggging them again but both stepped back.
"Still no huggers. Got it.", then she walked away.

They exchanged a strange look with Weems, before walking to a stall for cover up.
Tyler walked in a different direction, to find them.

Y/n found a stall where one could win panda's with playing darts and so the girls decided to give it a try.
With every dart she threw, Y/n came closer and closer to a huge prize; something she didn't really need, but oh well...
Suddenly, Xavier came to a halt right next to her: "Jeez, you get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack.", he joked and looked down at her.
Y/n just answered: "Panda's don't travel in packs. They prefer the solitude."
Xavier nodded: "alright. Subtle hint taken."
Y/n just said: "you should know, I'm waiting for someone."
"oh yeah?", he asked: "Who's the lucky guy... or girl?"
"what does it matter to you?", Y/n asked back, now fully turning to him.
Right then, Tyler walked over to them.
"Didn't mean to interrupt.", he said and Xavier inched a little closer to Y/n, keeping her away from Tyler. He detested Tyler and that he was meeting Y/n and Wednesday was bad.

"Seriously, him?", he whispered towards Y/n.
"Can you just go?", she asked, not really getting, why he was so pissed.
Xavier sighed and walked away.

Tyler told Wednesday: "This is gonna be trickier than I thought. Dad hit me with a curfew. We need to go if I'm gonna make it back in time."
Wednesday replied, while Y/n shot the last dart: "We've got some dead weight that we need to lose first.", she looked over Tyler's shoulder at Principal Weems, who nodded with a smile.
"Meet us behind the parking lot when the fireworks start.", she told Tyler. He nodded and walked away.

When the man in the stall was about to give the biggest Panda to Y/n, she just said: "you see that sad, lonely woman over there?", looking at Principal Weems. "she needs this pathetic validation more that I do."
She handed him some money and asked: "would you mind distracting her?"
The guy walked over to the Principal and handed her the Panda, so she wasn't focused on the girls anymore. When she looked back at the stall, the two were gone.

The firework had started and so the girls started walking to the parking lot.
Tyler was already waiting there.
He didn't even notice Y/n and just looked at Wednesday. "Hey, before you leave, I wanted you to have this.", he said and handed her a file. "It's your dad's police file from when he was at Nevermore. I think it's the reason my dad hates him."
Wednesday looked at it.
"you okay?", Tyler asked her caringly.
"I'm not used to people engaging with me.", she answered. "most see us coming and cross the street."
He replied: "you're not scary. You're just kinda... kooky."
"I prefer spooky.", she said and looked up at him.
"oh.", Tyler smiled.
Y/n decided to interrupt their little moment: "our train leaves in an hour. We're burning moonlight."
She started walking towards the car.
"uh, right, right.", Tyler said.
The three were walking towards the car, Y/n ahead, when the three pilgrim-boys from the weathervane crossed their way, baseball clubs in hand.
"come on, Wednesday, Wednesday!", Tyler said and took her hand, wanting to run away. "we can lose them in the crowd.", he said and the three ran away, the pilgrim-actors hot on their heels.
On their way to lose them, Wednesday ran into Rowan, triggering a vision. Luckily Tyler could catch her, before she hit the ground.
Y/n quickly looked behind them once, then used telepathy to see what was going on in Wednesday's mind. They saw a purple book, an eye, a gargoyle that was comming to life, the quad standing on fire, a raven and a crow, a ground that looked like a skull, once again the book and Rowan getting cut open and full of blood.
Wednesday quickly stood up. "Rowan.", she told Y/n alarmed.
"I know, I saw.", Y/n replied and the two of them followed Rowan into the woods. He could die and they wanted to prevend that from happening.
guys, we need to go.", Tyler said, trying to hold back Wednesday. "come on."
She didn't listen, just yelled: "Rowan! Come back!"
Xavier noticed Y/n and Wednesday running into the woods after Rowan.

When the boy came to a halt, Y/n yelled: "Rowan, wait!"
He groaned annoyed: "What do you want! Why are you following me?!"
"I don't have time to explain, but you're in danger.", Wednesday told him.
He smiled maliciously: "I think you've got it backwards."
Y/n was about to jump at him, when he used his telekinesis to throw her far away, against a tree. She hit her head and sunk to the floor unconciously.
Then he threw his hands towards Wednesday and lifted her up against a tree: "You guys are in danger."
"What are you doing?", Wednesday asked, looking towards her sister in panic.
"I'm saving everyone from you two.", he chuckled. "I have to kill you!"
"the gargoyle that almost hit Y/n, that was you?"
He nodded: "yeah."
Wednesday told herself: "It's always the quiet ones."
Rowan used his telekinesis to take the ripped out page from out of his pocket and flew it to her, so Wednesday could see it: "the girls in the picture. That's you two."
Wednesday's mouth was agape since she had never seen this picture before. There were two girls that looked exactly like them standing in front of the burning school.
"you want to kill us because of some picture?!", she asked.
He replied angrily: "My mother drew that picture 25 years ago when she was a student at Nevermore. She was a powerful Seer She told me about it before she died."
"Rowan, put me down.", Wednesday demanded, looking at her passed out sister once again.
"No! My mother said that it was my destiny to stop the two girls if they ever came to Nevermore, because they will destroy the school and everyone in it!", he pressed her harder against the tree, which caused her to grunt.
"Rowan!", she warned.
Suddenly, there was a huge monster that gripped Rowan and threw him on the ground.
Wednesday fell down as Rowan was brutally killed by the monster. The girl watched as the monster ripped his flesh apart. It turned around towards Wednesday once, before running deeper into the woods.
Wednesday crawled towards Rowan's body. The picture fell down, onto his body, and so Wedneday took it and put it away.

Back at Nevermore, she looked at the picture and Gomez' police file, when their parents used the crystal ball to contact her.
"hello my little black cloud.", Gomez said.
"So tell us darling, how was your first week?", Tish asked with a smile.
She thought for a moment: We narrowly avoided death, we discovered that our father may be a murderer, we learned that we could potentially destroy the school and we were mysteriously saved by a homicidal monster. Y/n was still unconcious in the nurse's office.
"as much as it pains me to admit, you were right, Mother. I think we're going to love it here.", Wednesday said and smiled.


In the nurse's office: 

"finally, you're awake.", Xavier said, as Y/n opened her eyes.
She groaned. "Jeez, my head."
"yeah, it was pretty nasty. You were out for a whole day.", he explained. "I am going to tell you this only once: Tyler is trouble. You should stay away from him."
"first of all, this wasn't Tyler. Second, I don't think you should decided who I hang out with.", Y/n replied. "Now, where is my sister? I have a lot of catching up to do.", Y/n said and was about to get out of bed, when her vision was getting darker and darker again, black little dots all over.
Xavier quickly took her hand in his: "the nurse said you should stay here for a few minutes before getting up, once you would wake up. You have a pretty hard concussion. You should not overdo it."
"can you get my sister for me, then?", Y/n asked and sat down on the bed.
"I don't think that will be necessary.", Wednesday answered, signalling her arrival, and walked towards her sister's bed.
She looked down at Xavier's and Y/n's intwined hands with a suspicious look, then looked up at Y/n: "how are you, sis?"
"I feel embarrassed.", she said. "I just wanted to protect you from him, maybe get some stress out, but I didn't expect to fall out directly before everything good happened."
"well, to be fair, I didn't expect him to attack us right away. So, thank you for trying."
"I'm sorry, I'm confused.", Xavier said. "what exactly happened?"
"that's none of your concern, nor business.", Y/n and Wednesday told him together.
"okay, okay.", he said and started playing with Y/n's fingers.
"could you stop that? Why are you even holding me hand?", she asked. "It's distracting me from the real issue here."
"I'm distracting you?", he smirked at Y/n.
"could you please just leave?", Wednesday asked.
Xavier sighed annoyed: "technically, the nurse told me to keep an eye on you. I often help out here. But I'll make an exception because you asked so nicely.", he sarcastically said.
He squeezed Y/n's hand once, then let go and walked out.

"what's up with him?", Wednesday asked confusedly.
"I have no idea.", Y/n replied. "he's like an annoying little puppy. Anyways, what did I miss, when I was passed out?"
And so Wednesday filled Y/n in on all the details, until Y/n was dismissed from the nurse's office and could go back to the dorm. 

1748 words.

I'm sorry for the Xavier part, I guess it was a little cringe.I'm also sorry because there are not many Xavier parts yet, I'm working on it ;)

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