You Reap What You Woe 5.1

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"How well do we really know our parents?", Y/n asked philosophically. "I mean, take our father. I've always considered him an open book. A man given to misguided schemes and exaggerated displays of affection.", Y/n summed up, Wednesday listening intently, as they looked at Gomez Addams' police file. 

"But when he was a student, he was accused of a murder that took place right up there.", Wednesday added and gestured up towards the highest corridor of Nevermore, which could be seen perfectly from their place in the Quad. 
"which obviously leads us to wonder... what really happened that stormy night 32 years ago?"


It was the Rave'N dance of 1990, the theeme was goth & glamour and every student had made a big effort in getting ready. 

It was raining when a young principal Weems went outside of the festively decorated hall, so she took out an umbrella. She was sad that her crush had turned her down for the popular Morticia Frump and so she had decided to get some fresh air. 
She was walking towards the building where her dorm was at, when suddenly, a corpse flew off the highest floor and hit the ground right in front of her. 
The young woman started screaming immediately and looked up in horror, seeing a panting Gomez Addams with a sword in his hand. 

A little while later, the police was investigating at the crime scene and a Sheriff was interrogating Weems for any information, since she had been the main witness. 
"I think he had a sword, and they certainly have issues.", the young woman said. "I don't like to tell tales, Sheriff Walker, but it's all Morticia Frump's fault. They were fighting over her."

Actually, Morticia was also being interrogated by a different detective, close to where the body was getting packed up for an autopsy, when Gomez Addams crossed her way: "Tish...", he said longingly. 
Morticia walked up to him and said: "I don't know what to say, Gomez. Seeing you in handcuffs, accused of murder...", she smiled: "I've never loved you more."
"cara mia...", Gomez replied and had to get dragged away and put into the police car by a sheriff.


The Addams' family car was rolling towards the old Nevermore building, as Gomez looked out the window and the big banner on the gate said: "welcome to Parents' Weekend."

The Addams family left their car, and Gomez took in a deep breath: "ah, the fetid air of teenage angst. These were the best years of our lives, were they not, Tish?", he turned to his wife. 
"they certainly were, mi cariño.", she looked around a little and smiled: "I hope the girls are happy to see us. I left a dozen messages on their crystal ball. Still, no reply."
"fret not, my plum-lipped cupid.", Gomez said lovingly. "I'm sure they're dying to see us.", he kissed Morticia's hand and sighed contently. 

"come one, let's go.", Pugsley said, wanting to see his sisters again.  

And so, they walked inside together, not knowing that they were watched by their daughters, who stood higher up, stalking them with binoculars. 


All of the parents and many students had assembled in the Quad and were now listening intently to Principal Weems speech. 
"Nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children to learn and to grow, no matter who or what they are."

Everybody applauded. 

"I realize most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students. But I'm happe to report that Eugene is on the mend and is expected to make a full recovery. So let's focus on the positive and make this Parents' weekend our very best yet."

Again, everybody applauded, as Y/n, Enid and Wednesday watched from the higher balconies. 
"on the mend?", Wednesday asked annoyed. "Try in a coma."
"he barely made it out alive.", Y/n said. 
"have you guys been to see him?", Enid asked sensitive. "you are his friends."
"we're the reason he's in the hospital.", Y/n argued. 
"that is not your fault, okay?", Enid told the two. "the monster hasn't attacked anyone in the past week. Maybe you finally scared it off."
"or maybe it went into hiding to avoid this weekend.", Wednesday said. 
Y/n mumbled grumpily: "just like we should've done it."

Suddenly, Enid noticed Xavier approaching them from behind. 
"come on, Wednesday, we'll go downstairs. You can meet my family."
She just grabbed Wednesday's arm and they disappeared, leaving Y/n alone confused, until she heard the boys'  voice.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?", Xavier asked and stood beside her, leaning against the railing. 
"uh... I was just... talking with Wednesday and Enid...", the girl said confusedly. 

Xavier nodded and they stood next to each other in silence for a while. 

"maybe I should apologize.", Y/n said, not daring to look at him. 
"maybe?", he smirked. 
"...probably.", Y/n said. "I mean I might still need your help in the investigation, so... yeah."

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