"Come on. We deserve it. Our group got the highest grade on the science project!" Will added.

"Okay." Tina agreed.


"But only if you guys don't catch the place on fire, and you wash your plate after you finish. Jonathan and Sam have a test to study, so help them around the house."

Tara and Will straightened their posture and saluted the older adults. "Will do!"

"You guys should go; you two are going to be late for your reservations," Sam spoke, pushing her parents out of the house.

"Be good, guys; we'll be back in a bit. Don't do anything stupid while we're gone!" Bryan shouted as the parents got inside the car and drove away.

Sam shuts the door and sees the little kids making food for themselves. "how do you guys know how to make mac n cheese?" Jonathan laughed.

"Mom taught me while you were studying for the math test in your room. And now I am teaching Tara how to make Mom's delicious mac n cheese," Will responded to his brother.

"Okay, well, you guys can eat in the living room. Just make sure you guys don't make a mess. We'll be in the backyard studying," Sam spoke as the older teens walked out and sat at the patio table. They open their textbooks.

"This is going to be the death of me." Sam wined

▣ ▣ ▣ ▣

THE PARENTS were driving back to their home after having their date night. It was already
seven-fifty, and they had ten more minutes of driving to go.

"The girls will love waking up to these flowers in the morning." Bryan smiled. The parents bought a bouquet for each of their daughters, and they will surprise them in the morning.

"I can't wait to see the smiles on their faces." Tina smiled at her husband. Bryan grabbed his wife's hand and kissed it.

"I love you, Christina," he said.

"I love you too." She smiled as she looked forward and saw something ahead of them. "WATCH OUT!" She yells. Bryan swerved out of the road, crashing into a tree. Both parents pant after what had occurred.

"Are you okay?" Bryan panted.

His wife nods, and no words come out of her mouth. Tina touches her forehead and looks at her fingers with blood. Then, she looked at Bryan, who also had blood streaming down from his forehead. She was still shaken by what happened. "What was that?"

"I don't know," Bryan responded.

Tina looked at the side mirrors and saw a creature standing behind their car looking at them.

"Babe..." Tina whispered.

Bryan turns to face his wife, and she points towards her side mirror. It was a tall creature looking at them. Bryan unbuckles his belt and takes a gun out of the storage place he had inside his car.

"I will distract it, and you run towards Hopper's house to get help. We are five minutes away from his trailer," He whispered.

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